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[align=center]**my first attempt at written cards**


Mystic Bard



when this card is summoned, search for one "Bard Spell" card in your deck and place it on the field, then shuffle your deck.


Elemental song

Equip Spell

This card can only be equipped to "Mystic Bard". At the end of your turn, discard the equipped monster Special Summon one "Bard" monster from your hand besides "The Travelling Bard King" or "Nephilhim Bard".


Flame Bard



This card can only be special summoned by the effect of "Elemental Song" in Face-up defense position. This card cannot be tributed to summon a non-FIRE monster.


Tsunami Bard



This card can only be special summoned by the effect of "Elemental Song" in Face-up defense position. This card cannot be tributed to summon a non-WATER monster.


Shining Bard



This card can only be special summoned by the effect of "Elemental Song" in Face-up defense position. This card cannot be tributed to summon a non-LIGHT monster.


Shadow Bard



This card can only be special summoned by the effect of "Elemental Song" in Face-up defense position. This card cannot be tributed to summon a non-DARK monster.


Earthly Bard



This card can only be special summoned by the effect of "Elemental Song" in Face-up defense position. This card cannot be tributed to summon a non-EARTH monster.


Gust Bard



This card can only be special summoned by the effect of "Elemental Song" in Face-up defense position. This card cannot be tributed to summon a non-WIND monster.


Black Song

Equip Spell

This card can only be equipped to "Mystic Bard". At the end of your turn, discard the equipped monster Special Summon "Nephilhim Bard" from your Deck.


Nephilhim Bard



This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Black Song". This card gains 1000 ATK for every empty monster slot on your side of the field.


Bard Spell: Lock


This card can only be played when a "Bard" monster is on the field.Special Summon one Lock Token on your side of the field in defense mode(ATK 0/DEF 9999/LIGHT/Level 1) Lock Tokens can not be attacked unless they are the only card on the field. When Lock Tokens are attacked, destroy it at the end of the battle phase. They also cannot be the target of a Spell, Trap, or Monster effect. Damage calculation is not applied when a Lock Token is attacked.


Bard Spell: Weak Defense

Equip Spell

This card can only be equipped to a "Bard" monster on your side of the field. The equipped monster cannot be Destroyed by battle. When the equipped monster attacks or is attacked, Discard this card at the end of the damage step.


Bard Spell: Mid Defense

Equip Spell

This card can only be equipped to a "Bard" monster on your side of the field When "Bard Spell: Weak Defense" is in the graveyard. The equipped monster cannot be destroyed by battle. when the equipped monster attacks or is attcked, discard this card at the end of the turn.


Bard Spell: Epic Defense

Equip Spell

This card can only be equipped to a "Bard" monster on your side of the field besides "Mystic Bard". The equipped monster cannot be destroyed. When the Equipped monster is attacked, Discard this card at the beginning of your next turn.


Bard Spell: Earth Shield


This card can only be activated when "Earthly Bard" is on your side of the field. Your Lifepoints cannot be attacked directly. Discard this card when "Earthly Bard" is removed from the field.



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Lock is way too exploitable' date=' but I don't know which specific card to do it with. D:


Reduce its DEF to about 3000, and up the level to about 10. ;D



It's made so that you can't destroy it, except by it's own effect. and what do you mean by "specific card", you can use it if any bard is on the field, and the Lock Token is, well, a token

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