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The Fool's Game - Element Arcade

Phantom Roxas

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Ah, I can already see how this game will work. Verily, the only possible path to victory is to keep the people you can kill alive and to trick them into killing off those hunting you.


how come the fool's games don't belong in the game section?


Because the Games section is designed for pointless mass-posting activities that are designed to go on forever and masquerade as games, whereas the Fool's Games end at a designated point, only happen once, are open only to the limited player pool that signs up at the start, require more thought, actually have winners and losers, and involve the wagering of points.

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Ah' date=' I can already see how this game will work. Verily, the only possible path to victory is to keep the people you can kill alive and to trick them into killing off those hunting you.



I would hope someone would employ such a strategy. PM how you think this game will work.

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When exactly do you plan the Game to start?


[spoiler=And I guess...]

there'll be some Rock-Paper-Scissors gameplay going on. However, given that it was "loosely based" on Man on Fire, there'll be ticket exchange.



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At this time, registration for the Game has ended. Each of you will now receive a ticket, after which the rules of the first round will be explained.


Now that I think about it, this game will go much more differently if everyone is unaware of all tickets, including those that have the same ticket as them. As such, please disregard the PM you have received by me. You will now receive a PM with the ticket that you will play with. You will not have the same ticket that you received last time.

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