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Rainbow Hunter


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1x RDD

1x DAD

1x Mech. Chaser

2x Grepher

1x Snipe

1x Armageddon

2x Deko

2x Tomato

2x Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

2x Krebons

1x Sangan

2x Summoner Monk

1x Plague

1x Spirit Reaper

2x Salvo


2x Allure

1x Brain Control

1x Burial from a Different Dimension

1x Card Destruction

1x Emergency Teleport

1x Foolish

1x Trunade

2x Gold Sarcophagus

2x Hand Destruction

1x Heavy Storm

1x Vortex

1x Reborn


1x Mirror Force

1x Return from the D.D

1x Royal Decree




My first deck, so yah =/

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Kind of a weird mix. What are you going for' date=' exactly? .-.



Ditching DARKS with Snipe Hunter for RDD/DAD


There are better ways, like the D-Draw engine, but hey, it's new.


Akira said it was decent, so.

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