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My Final Fantasy Club {Members=16} Come Celebrate Final Fantasy.

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Hi all and welcome to the Final Fantasy Club.


[spoiler=Application Form]


2:Fav FF Character(just 1):

3:Fav FF Game




[spoiler=Note for elite members.NOTE:Not accepting any more Elites.]if you want to be an elite member you have to donate 1 rep to me but you can change the topic whenever you want.this idea should help me moderate and keep the club alive and updated regularly.as such you would be a moderator of the club.so its not a huge expense to have a key influence on this club.im only accepting 0 more elite members.:(


[spoiler=Why only one character on the form.i love them all]Just because i want it like that.:lol:


[spoiler=Attention Applicants]When picking a character please pick one that HAS NOT be picked by members.Thanks;)




1:dopeyduck13.ULTIMATE MEMBER:lol:.Character:Sephiroth.

2:demuirge.ELITE MEMBER:D.Character:Auron.

3:The Omega.ELITE MEMBER:D.Character:Vincent.






9:Chaos Sonic.MEMBER:).Character:Cloud.




13.C.C. Blitzer.MEMBER:).Character:Ashe.







[spoiler=Look at my awesome Project Final Fantasy Set]32191888.png




NEW TOPIC: Discussion of Final Fantasy XIII(13)

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Okay, for the first topic...

My favourite FF game would have to be FF X (10) mainly because of the story and the aeon system. I'm guessing that FF 7 has a better story (I haven't played it...ever...) but since it's on ps 1, the graphics aren't so good..

Plus, the card games are nice but they can't be compared to Blitzball!

FF X ftw!! :D

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lol' date=' since my last FF club went well, but I gave it up, I'll be joining.


1:Name: The Omega

2:Fav FF Character(just 1): Vincent

3:Fav FF Game: FF 7

4:Would you like to be an elite member: Yes (I could very much help you)



accepted and yes you are the final elite member as i remember your club and your help would be greatly appreciated.



2:Fav FF Character(just 1):Tidus

3:Fav FF Game:ffx' date='ffviii ffvii,ffx-2,ffx11

4:Would you like to be an elite member: can i sleep on it?



also accepted but you snoze you lose in terms of being an elite member

My Fav game is FF7.


ive just downloaded it from the PS store onto my PS3 and even with the poor graphics its still an awesome game.


but i honestly think the PS3 remake of the game will put FF into History as the Greatest Games Series ever.it will be better than GTA or Grand Turismo or Crash Bandicoot.

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Either Kingdom Hearts 3 (PS2) or Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (DS)

Yeah' date=' i'm a big fan of KH! :D:D



yea i never really played KH.


ive heard great things about it but i never really bother going and even renting a KH game or even playing 1 so i dunno if your selected games will be any good.if they include FF characters then id say they will be good.


i cant wait for FF13.it will be a breakthrough game and will have the world in awe at the brilliance that is Final Fantasy.


and if the videos on youtube about a PS3 version of FF7 are true then it will be the game i anticipate the most because it is such an epic game.

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