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~ Lock pl0x

~ Chidori-Kun

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1.) Character Group: Detective

2.) RP Name: Mato Kusaka

3.) RP Picture (Must be an image): (Im going to ask for your help as you are the best artist I know =) )

4.) Sense of Justice: Strongly belives in upholding the law although a part of him belives in what Kira is doing is right.

5.) Bio: Mato is a nineteen year old collage student. He used to be in care at the orphanage where L picked his successors, Mato wanted to join forces with L but was never considered by L smart enough to make it as one of his successors now his true potential has been recognised and has been asked to help in the Kira case.

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1.) Character Group: Detectives

2.) RP Name: Damion Way



4.) Sense of Justice: Damion believes that the Kira Case was a tragedy and anyone with the power to kill people should be sentenced to death trials. He also thinks that Kira may have not killed the right criminals.

5.) Bio: Damion grew up as a normal kid, with above-average grades. Damion always had the ability to solve puzzles quickly, but the Kira Case was a mystery to him. He tried to solve the different ways of killing, but it didn't add up. Damion became a detective after the Kira(Light) Case ended.

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