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The Good Old YCM Awards - Accepting name and other suggestions


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- which of the above you wish to be.

I'd like to be a counciler, but if you feel you need more assistants, then I can be fine with that.

- whether you would like to receive payment (and if yes, what?).

No. Payment is unneeded as neither rep nor points really matter to me.

- why you think you should be accepted.

I just wish to find some way to recieve some more respect around the board. It might make my time on YCM a little more fun, instead of always hanging around the Showcase section trying to find some artwork to critque or waiting for a certain roleplayer to post in an RP as to move on with the story.

- any credentials/skills you have that you think would come in handy.

I've got some decent graphic design skills. Mainly with tags/sigs. I could make Reward banners for the winners of the categories. I could even do 2nd Place winners for the categories as well. I'm not really sure if this skill is usefull, but I have no idea exactly what you would be looking for in a member like me.

- any additional comments.

No other comments. Just looking for something fun to do. :)

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I just read over all of the applicants.


The assistant's process will only involve disappointing 1-2 people due to how few people decided to apply for that position.


Frunk, PM me concerning your views on the Council members, my votes are just about set in stone, but there is one place where I'm not sure what we should do concerning the issue.



Protip to applicants: When you apply, if you really want to be council, apply for assistant as well. More positions are open for assistant then there are for council, so you're more likely to be considered for that.


@ Behindthemask: Because I like you, but do not wish to be unfair to the other members (25 posts, seriously, no one who didn't know you would consider you even for the assistant position because of your newness to the site), I am offering that you can be the "Spiritual Advisor" of the awards. That way, no one is being cheated out of a position and I know you like the title of "Spiritual Advisor" much better than "Assistant," even though you will be doing much less.


Accept / Decline?

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Protip to applicants: When you apply' date=' if you really want to be council, apply for assistant as well. More positions are open for assistant then there are for council, so you're more likely to be considered for that.



Then if I don't get accepted as a Counsel member, will I be added to The list of Assistant Apps?

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You will NOT be automatically put up for the assistant position if you applied for council.


You have to request that by both posting (if you have already done so, it has been recognized)




Editing your app to say (Will also take assistant spot) in parenthesis at the end of the "which position are you applying for" section. That way we know that you want the council spot more than the assistant spot.

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Protip to applicants: When you apply' date=' if you really want to be council, apply for assistant as well. More positions are open for assistant then there are for council, so you're more likely to be considered for that.



Way ahead of you, buddy! :)


I noticed, you're actually why I decided to throw out the protip.

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Protip to applicants: When you apply' date=' if you really want to be council, apply for assistant as well. More positions are open for assistant then there are for council, so you're more likely to be considered for that.



Way ahead of you, buddy! :)


I noticed, you're actually why I decided to throw out the protip.


Acknowledged and noted. ;)



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I thank you all for updating your applications where applicable, but I was planning on making some of those who applied for Council spots Assistants whether or not they requested it (when the Council makes and compares its decisions, I'll be PMing members to confirm details before they're "officially hired" anyway).


Anyway, as Static touched upon, the great turnout of applications is something we can and should take advantage of to better the chances of the Awards success, and thus, if the current Council agrees, I've got one or two more job types that members will be offered, which I'll inform you of in good time. May I suggest, therefore, that all interested parties keep a watch on - or perhaps subscribe via email - to this thread.


To subscribe, click the link at the bottom of the page (above "Contact Us").

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- which of the above you wish to be. Counceller

- whether you would like to receive payment (and if yes, what?). Nah, I don't need it ^_^

- why you think you should be accepted. Well, I'm active (I know alot of you think I'm not, but I'm on every day) I actually rather enjoyed these awards back in 08, and always wanted to apply. I'm willing to work on these sort of things, and enjoy the thought of the whole community voting for somebody.I'm a moderator, so I can deal with talking to people pretty easily, and I actually enjoy it.

- any credentials/skills you have that you think would come in handy. Uhm. I don't really know. I'm just really good with people, and I can state my opinion pretty well. Idk

- any additional comments. Uhm, not really much else to say. Most everybody already knows everything they need to know about it, so it's kinda hard to apply to these things and know what to say, lol

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- which of the above you wish to be. Councilor {if it's not too late}

- whether you would like to receive payment (and if yes, what?). Of course not.

- why you think you should be accepted. I previously served on the YCM awards council and am looking to obtain more involvement in the community in order to make YCM a better place.

- any credentials/skills you have that you think would come in handy. YCM Midsummer awards council.


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I guess I came here a moment too late. Anyhow, the good old awards are always genuine and special, why not be a councilor?


Which of the above you wish to be: I would like to be Councilor, but being an assistant is fine with me.


Whether you would like to receive payment (and if yes, what?): Oh sir, you're too kind. I'm a man of no cost.


Why you think you should be accepted: Well, the main points are that I have been here for quite a while and have experienced a lot. If there is leadership, that should be useful, for I have been the leader of Club Pikachu for nearly a year. But if that's not enough, I'm kind. I never flame, swear or be racist.


Any credentials/skills you have that you think would come in handy: As said before, the leadership and kindness should come to great use.


Any additional comments: None.

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I would usually wait until the decision is unanimous, but I am aware that Azuh is busy with school and probably wouldn't disagree anyway, and thus since Static agreed, it shall go ahead now. Two more possible jobs are now available to be applied for (keeping in mind that I'll be offering jobs to members who did not necessarily outline that job in their application anyway - essentially, you make an application, you could get anything - what you specify is merely our preference to note):


Promoters - for those who would prefer not to be obliged to actively assist the awards, it can be done passively. A few applicants have suggested they would be willing to solely advertise the Awards and I think this is a good thing. Unless anything more creative can be thought of, it would likely just consist of the inclusion of a banner promoting the awards in one's signature before the start of (which will be outlined) and during the course of the ceremonies. Payment would be more than reasonable to request for those willing to partake this almost unofficial job.


Rewards team - a good many people have suggested their graphic design skills for the rewards aspect of the awards: a thought I am leaning ever-closer to. Thus, these members would be in charge of the creation of signatures (or banners - whatever they're called these days) for winners of certain awards upon request (they could, if they so desired, request a Positive Rep instead, which is why it's called "Rewards team" rather than "Graphic Design team," or similar), thus the Rewards team may be charged with handing those out as well (though I believe I personally could help with this if need be).


Furthermore, and I want to be sure this is know, members of the Rewards team could in fact participate in other hands-on aspects of the Awards (for example: a Councillor or Assistant may choose to double as a Rewards team member). The idea of Promoters is for hands-off contribution, and it simply wouldn't be fair for Rewards team members if they didn't have the opportunity to act in other more decisive roles as well.


So, this data will be added to the first post momentarily. Feel free to give me your opinions on this - and let me know if you update your application with this in mind. To reiterate, you have another 12 and a bit hours before applications will formally close.

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