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X-Men Battle for the Ultimate Power Sign Ups


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[align=center]In 3253, Magneto is dead, Xavier... is dead. Mutants are unheard of. Until now. A strange power emerges from Lake Phoenix, everybody with mutant powers had a extremely powerful screech in their ears. It possessed them for an all out war for the power. Only one shall achieve it's gift, will it be you?



My Application

Real Name: Luicien Leone

Mutant Name: Obsidian

Power (Up to 3): Flight, Super Speed, Super Strength

Appearance: Wears all black clothing and blends with the night. Red Eyes

Bio (Optional):

Alignment: Neutral



Your Application

Real Name:

Mutant Name:

Power (Up to 3):


Bio (Optional):



In this you may form teams, but anything that has to do with forming a group must be done over PM.



The Player that gets the power shall receive a personal award and of course a cool ending.




EVIL ANGEL - "Obsidian" Neutral











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