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Mario and Sonic: The Ultimate Quest Chapter 1: Life's not so easy {4 places left}


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It starts when Mario was enjoying a snack in the Mushroom Kingdom when, Bowser appears and attacks! But a strange missle appears in a distance and then, Hits Bowser! Sonic appears and saves Mario from Bowser. But Mecha Soinc is watching... Yes. Sonic shows Mario his source of energy: The 7 Chaos Emeralds. But just then, Mecha Sonic smacks them and they go flying to other demisions. Mecha Sonic could become invincible if he gets them! Now it is your turn. Are you Good, or Evil? You decide:


Join Form:


What Mario or Sonic character:

Good or Evil:


If you are Evil, what deminsion do you want to control (Only 8 avalible!)


World 1: Grasslands: Tails and Plasma Sonic

World 2: Mile City

World 3: Star Hill

World 4: Skyland

World 5: Desert of Tomba

World 6: Freeze Land

World 7: Bowser's Fortress***

World 8: Dark Castle*: Untouched, bobo144


{*=Mecha Sonic and Mecha Mario} {***=Bowser and Eggman}


Ansem:Mario Lv.3 Enemies killed=29 HP:120 Attack: 45 Defense: 36 Speed: 37

Untoched:Mecha Sonic Lv.---

Twin souls: Sonic Lv.3 killed=29

swatking55:Blaze Lv.3 killed=26

double c4: Luigi Lv.3 killed=27

The Omega: Good Side of Shadow

bobo144: Mecha Shadow

Special: Cream Lv.3 killed=21

kaikee: Shyguy Lv.3 killed=26

Super Sonic Zach: Bad Shadow

Golden Light: Tails Lv.? killed=???

nightwing2199: Silver Lv.3 Killed=29 Hp:100 Attack:40 Defense:40 Speed:40

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Yes you are Good.


Yes you are Mecha Shadow. But if no one is Mecha Sonic' date=' you will be Mecha Sonic



I Thought You Where Mecha Sonic, So Just Incase I Chose Mecha Shadow, So. . . CAN I Be Mecha Sonic Intead, Also, Twin_Souls Still Have A Question

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Yes you are Good.


Yes you are Mecha Shadow. But if no one is Mecha Sonic' date=' you will be Mecha Sonic



I Thought You Where Mecha Sonic, So Just Incase I Chose Mecha Shadow, So. . . CAN I Be Mecha Sonic Intead, Also, Twin_Souls Still Have A Question


Yes you may.


Yes your Sister can make a caitar Twin souls

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What Mario or Sonic character: Mecha Sonic

Good or Evil: Evil


Well' date=' I Hate You Now, Since Your Going To Be Mecha Sonic(Even Thoguh I Chose Him First)

I Changed To Mecha Shadow, Cuz I Though Ansem Was Mecha Sonic


EDIT: NVM, I Don't Hate You,


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What Mario or Sonic character: Mecha Sonic

Good or Evil: Evil


Well' date=' I Hate You Now, Since Your Going To Be Mecha Sonic(Even Thoguh I Chose Him First)

I Changed To Mecha Shadow, Cuz I Though Ansem Was Mecha Sonic


well, if u want we can switch

i don't mind

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