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[disc] G.B. Hunter [/disc]

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it /is/ hard to get around though.

and this eats jujitsu alive when it comes to gbs.

and this is serious pro anti-gb, red sceptile.


ive been wracking my brain on this, but then i just decided.

play a gb deck

first turn, summon gb hunter, set a roar.

you win.


like... you actually win.

next turn, switch to defense, maybe have a solemn ready to stop... vortex? or something.

i mean... brain control, enemy controller, vortex... thats about it.

assuming the rest of your deck is good, this is a brutal card that just eats gbs.

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Legendary Jujistu Master > This.

No. Test Tiger.


This is good anti-GB' date=' but it still isn't hard to get around.



LJM spins the monster, which keeps a GB off the board, so they can't set up next turn for Gyzarus(off of Proving Grounds/Bestari/Prisma/Summoner Monk). Then they have to waste another card to get rid of it.


G.B. Hunter sits there, in defense, until the GB gets a Smashing Ground/E-Con/Book of Moon/Indomitable Gladiator Beast/Bestari.

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i disagree.


first, smashing ground is limit one.


second, thats about the only staple that will kill it.

maybe fissure.


econ and moon are situational.


but if gb hunter is the only card in your deck, DUH they will get passed it

you have to kind of back it up.

set a solemn, set a roar, summon some other guys.

its not your only card, but its an amazing sidedeck tech.


and jujitsu < this.

for one reason:

test tiger.


its stupid.

its broken.

but it happens.

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