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BoTWoT Darkness Cards

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Some Darkness cards from my Fanfic. Here's the first:


Darkness Neolith

Level: -10

Attribute: DARK

Type(s): [Fiend/Dark Synchro/Effect]

1 [Darkness] non-Tuner monster – 1 Dark Tuner Monster

In order to summon this card, you must subtract the Level of the Dark Tuner Monster from the Level of the non-Tuner Monster to equal this card’s Level. When this card is Special Summoned, destroy all other cards you control and randomly set 1 each of [Zero], [infinity], [Darkness 1], [Darkness 2], and [Darkness 3] from your deck. You cannot check those cards’ positions this turn. During each End Phase, reset and randomly rearrange all Magic & Trap Cards you control. While this card is face-up on the field, it is treated as though [Darkness] is on the field. When this card is destroyed, you can send 3 cards you control to the Cemetery to Special Summon this card from your Cemetery and rearrange the set cards you control.

ATK: 4000

DEF: 4000


Dark Tuner - Darkness Worm


Level 8

[insect/Dark Tuner]

When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard to Dark Synchro Summon a "Darkness" monster, if you control "Darkness", you may set and rearrange all face-up Continuous Trap Cards you control.


Darkness Idol

Normal Trap

When this card and 1 or more set cards are destroyed by the effect of "Darkness", draw 1 card for each set card destroyed.


Darkness Curse

Normal Trap

When this card and 1 or more set cards are destroyed by the effect of "Darkness", destroy 1 face-up card for each set card destroyed.


Darkness Spectre


Level: 3


When this card is destroyed by Battle and sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 "Darkness" monster with 2000 DEF or less from your Deck in face-up Defence Position. Then, send "Darkness" monsters from your Deck to your Graveyard whose Levels total that of the Summoned monster.

ATK/ 0

DEF/ 0


Darkness Wraeth


Level: 4


You can discard this card to add 1 "Darkness" from your Deck to your hand. If you control this face-up card and do not control "Darkness", "Zero" and "Infinity" (including while face-down), destroy this card.

ATK: 2300

DEF: 1200


Darkness Leveler

Normal Trap

Tribute 1 "Darkness" monster. The level of1 "Darkness" monster you control is increased by the Level of the Tributed monster.


Darkness Vision

Continuous Trap

After activation, equip this card to a "Darkness" monster you control as an Equip Spell Card. It cannot be destroyed by battle, and its Level is increased by 1.


Dark Tuner - Darkness Serpent


Level: 6

[Reptile/Dark Tuner]

If you control no monsters and your opponent controls a monster, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. When this card attacks, at end of the Damage Step set 1 Continuous Trap Card from your Deck. During your Standby Phase, this card's ATK becomes 0 and its Level becomes 8, until the End Phase.

ATK/ 1900

DEF/ 0


Darkness Ivy


Level: 8


You can tribute summon this card by tributing 1 "Darkness" monster. If you control "Darkness", you select the targets your opponent's attacks. At the End of the Damage step when this card is attacked, it gains 500 DEF.

ATK/ 0

DEF/ 2500


Darkness Gardna


Level: 4


You can tribute this card to make the damage to your Life Points from an opponent's card effect 0 and draw 1 card. If you control "Darkness", draw 2 cards instead.

ATK/ 0

DEF/ 2000

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The field searcher = usable.

If you want to make a card that Darkness can use, rather than slowing down the serious speed demon stratergy they'll probably use, try making a card to return all Darkness/Zero/Infinity cards in your Grave to your Deck, that would stop a bit of destruction turning them to ruins.

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The field searcher = usable.

If you want to make a card that Darkness can use' date=' rather than slowing down the serious speed demon strategy they'll probably use, try making a card to return all Darkness/Zero/Infinity cards in your Grave to your Deck, that would stop a bit of destruction turning them to ruins.



Keep in mind that when I wrote the Fanfiction, I was in control of every aspect so that never really came into play. I even designed Neolith so that he could Riding Duel. And now that Darkness is no longer in the series (and it's over) that will never come into play. That being said, a couple of cards didn't have their effects overly explored, so I could modify something to protect the cards or recycle them.


Did you ever read the Fanfic, BTW?

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Right, what you did makes perfect sense from a fic-writing point of view, I just can't stop thinking from the point of view of someone playing a Darkness set IRL, probably because that used to be me a lot.


don't think you ever got around to sending me the link, did you?

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I was thinking the same thing. Since there are no lower level Darkness Dark Synchs (So you can't, for example, get a level -8 Darkness Dark Synch then Dark Synchro with a level 2 Dark Tuner) and no Dark Synchros over level 10, you'd need to boost the level of an existing Dark Tuner or use Dark Wave just to summon it, very tricky indeed (Thank God this is in a fanfic where you can pull off any move you want.)

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