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Crystal Synchro

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I didn't see any one post a deck like this on the last page or two of this section, but if they did let me know and I'll go check it out.


Anyways, I heard of the Rescue Cat combo for easy Synchros and decided to make a deck with it. However, I am not very good at deckmaking, and this deck is inconsistent at best. I could use any/all constructive criticism, but I will not tolerate spam or "lol, you suck" posts. I need serious suggestions so I can improve at deckmaking.


Monsters 20

3x Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat

2x Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise

2x Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle

3x Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus

1x Dark Resonator Junk Synchron

2x Kuraz the Light Monarch

2x Rescue Cat

2x Rose, Warrior of Revenge

3x X-Saber Airbellum


Spells 12

3x Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins

2x Crystal Abundance

2x Crystal Promise

1x Crystal Promise Lightning Vortex

2x Crystal Tree

1x Monster Reborn

1x Mystical Space Typhoon


Traps 8

1x Mirror Force Torrential Tribute

1x Negate Attack Crystal Counter

3x Solemn Judgment

3x Threatening Roar


Extra Deck 15

1x Ally of Justice Catastor

1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

2x Exploder Dragonwing

2x Flamvell Urquizas

1x Gaia Knight, the Force of the Earth

1x Gaia Knight, the Force of the Earth GB Gyzarus

1x Goyo Guardian

1x Hyper Psychic Blaster

2x Iron Chain Dragon

1x Red Dragon Archfiend

2x Stardust Dragon




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Crystal Counter? That could set up for the Abundance.

I would neg the Negate Attack for that.

I would go for that over Generation Shift.


Why are there so many traps ewww.

That's the kind of post I told you not to make. Enjoy your Warning.


I was simply asking why you would run so many traps in a deck that clogs your S/T zone.


You're just abusing your mod powers 'cause you're a little crybaby.

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I was simply asking why you would run so many traps in a deck that clogs your S/T zone.


You're just abusing your mod powers 'cause you're a little crybaby.

If anyone's a crybaby, it's you as evidenced by your whiny post about traps. If you're going to comment on the deck, offer up some suggestions rather than just complaining about the card choice.

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Summon Priest maybe? If so' date=' replace Junk and 1 Airbellum with 2 Summon Priest.


I'm hesitant to add SP's because I don't know how many disposable Spells I'll have, but I'll definitely take it under consideration.

Maybe Terraforming? If you have a ruins out already, you can use it for Summoner's cost.

Also, try -1 Gaia for GB Gyzarus.

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Maybe Terraforming? If you have a ruins out already' date=' you can use it for Summoner's cost.

Also, try -1 Gaia for GB Gyzarus.


Um, why Gyzarus? I have no way of getting it out currently... Also, I might consider putting SP's in, but I don't really want to remove any of the Tuners to do it. Anything else you think I could remove? if nothing, I may just not use SP's.


-Mirror Force | out

+Torrential | in


Much less situational and ~half the monsters in your deck will still be usable afterward.

Good idea, I will switch that out straightaway.

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Maybe Terraforming? If you have a ruins out already' date=' you can use it for Summoner's cost.

Also, try -1 Gaia for GB Gyzarus.


Um, why Gyzarus? I have no way of getting it out currently...

Monster Reborn + Goyo > against a person using GBs.

^ It actually works well.

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Monster Reborn + Goyo > against a person using GBs.

^ It actually works well.

Well' date=' Icy doesn't use GB's, and he's the only one I've played with this deck, but I'll give it a try ^_^


Certainly couldn't hurt, I suppose :P


I did that combo during a local tournament. I took their Bestari with Goyo and I took their Sammnite with Brain Control, fused my own Gyazarus and they were like "FFFFUUUUU-----"

Also, could Lightning Vortex be good here? I've never worked with CBs before so I'm not sure...

If so, I would neg a C- Promise for one.

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I did that combo during a local tournament. I took their Bestari with Goyo and I took their Sammnite with Brain Control' date=' fused my own Gyazarus and they were like "FFFFUUUUU-----"

Also, could Lightning Vortex be good here? I've never worked with CBs before so I'm not sure...

If so, I would neg a C- Promise for one.


Awesome move is awesome ;)


I do find that the Crystal Promises are only helpful in quantities when I'm losing and I need to stall :P. I will replace one and see if the LV is useful.

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