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[DISC] Saber Slash

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I was checking the card from ANPR when I found this little card.




Effect: Destroy a number of face-up cards on the field equal to the number of face-up "X-Saber" monsters you control.


The fact that it works with a meh archetype makes it bad, but still you need only 1 X-Saber to make this better than Smashing. Also X-Saber have some swarming abilities:

1) The trap that let's you summon 2 X-Sabers from the grave with no restrictions or cost. You just need another X-Saber

2) The tuner that let you SS him from the grave when you lose a X-Saber in battle.




PS: Hoooray for the new Starter Deck

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If their support continues like this level of support, these things could make a fun and pretty usable archtype.

I like the card, my DMU deck swarmed 5 monsters out in a single turn before, used this to clear their full field, synchro and attack for GG.

(The full field was got by summon monster(1), use trap(3), heavy storm, Special Summon xx-saber(4) with his own effect, use effect (5) full swarm GET)

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Decent support for a midly playable Archetype.

This really sums it up.

^ Exactly. This card has the little "boost" the X-Sabers needed to be playable for fun. They're still very far away from tournaments (minus the possibility of Airbellum), especially as a main theme. But if they ever do, this will help.

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