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i made this deck against my friends and it did pretty good, but i'm open to suggestions. what should i add/fix?

[spoiler=monsters] Solar Flare Dragon x3

Stealth Bird x3

Des Koala x3


Giant Germ x3

Morphing Jar

Princess of Tsurugi x3

Reflect Bounder x3


[spoiler=spells] Wave-Motion Cannon x3

Messenger of Peace x3

Misfortune x3

Swords of Revealing Light

Level Limit-Area B


[spoiler=traps] Ceasefire

Magic Cylinder

Secret Barrel x3

Gravity Bind

Just Dessert x3


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If you play WMC then you really need to play something like Dark Bribe to keep it alive.


This could do with a lot of improvement, I mean, it just looks like loads of cards that do burn damage ran in 3s. Try Chain Burn or something.

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Reborn, brain control?

7.5 Outta 10 Needs A Few Adjustments Would Suggest Somtin But I Got A Headache Right Now And I Don't Feel Like It

Then why are you posting. Don't post unless you have something constructive to say.

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I found this to be an oddly effective burn card, although it's easily a dead draw in the late game.

Also; http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Mecha_Bunny it's like Giant Germ without the face-up 1000 ATK path to your LP and flippable to damage them without battle death in a desperate situation.


I admit, I've only played a few burn decks, so I can't be sure how helpful these cards are to yours. Maybe a UFOTurtle or a few? Grabbing a Solar Flare, then summoning another is always nice, and the Turtles can summon each other for stall/deck thin too if you run more than 1.

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It's pretty good, you just need 3 UFO turtles, 2 fox fires, 3 backfires, 3 dark room of nightmares, and 3 gem flash energy so you won't have to rely on solar flare lock-down as much and you'll increase damage while having a continuous burn combo, and also it would really help if you concentrated it more, like make it a pyro burn while keeping cards like stealth bird.

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