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How does YCM discover multiple accounts?

Darth Duelist

Have you ever disobeyed the YCM rules and gotten a warning?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Have you ever disobeyed the YCM rules and gotten a warning?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Prefer not to disclose
    • It was an accident...I didn't know the rules!
    • Hahaha! I wanna be banned!


10 answers to this question

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Mods rarely randomly check a person's IP address.


Suspicious behavior is pretty much the main reason.


Or in the case of incredibly stupid people like Digital Simplicity, they admit that they're double accounters.



EDIT: Damn, clicked the wrong poll choice.


Uhh....just pretend that I clicked the bottom one.

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Well, I own a forum, so this is how I know, but YCM, May work defferently.

They are found By IP Adresses. When you sign up, each account is equipped with a 6 or 7 digit called a IP, Pretty much a "ID". When there are 2 accounts with the same IP, Caught.

Ips are in your computer, and cant be changed.

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