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Why not? A 4-card FTK

Jerry OldMaster

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If this is old, sorry.


Credit goes to RainbowNeos for this.


-Mausoleum o/t Emperor

-Ancient Gear Golem


-Limiter Removal


Well, for a FTK you need to go second.

1) Activate MotE.

2) Pay 2000 Life Points to bring out Golem.

3) Megamorph him.

4) Limiter Removal him.

5) Attack.


Since your opponent can't activate Spells or Traps in the battle Phase, with a full power 12000 ATK points piercing damge Golem, you'll propably knock your opponent out.

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Nice but trap can still get him before he attacks like Threatening Roar can still save you or Raigeki Break can still destroy him when he's summoned' date=' but he is still very hard to stop. If I was to rate 8.7/10


If it something does go wrong use Mystic Wok and gain 12000 Life Points



you said that opponent would try and negate, but that's why Dark Bribe, Counter Counter were made for

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