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Zhou666's little shop of Horrors -Back in Business Baby-


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I'd like three:


Base Color: Blue and gray

Background: blue and gray

Renders: v4bjn4.jpg

Effects: something evilish and space-ish

Text: Soundwave

Other: Mind rendering the pic and making an avi out of the sig? Thanks!


Second sig:


Base Color: green and black

Background: same as base color

Renders: master_chief2.jpg

Effects: whatever you think makes it look cool.

Text: Akoolgie800

Other: Can you make an avi too?


the third:


Base Color: purple and black

Background: Purple and black

Renders: [spoiler=Render]Shadow-Lugia-pokemon-2833103-1024-732.jpg


Effects: Something evil-ish and eerie

Text: Corruption

Other: An avi of this too?

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Can I haz 'nother render......

Base Color: Something that goes well with pic

Background: Read Above

Renders: 6e3kh2.png

Effects: Blood

Text: I am your eternal doom. Live with it.

Other: Live with it. to be in larger text than I am your eternal doom.


Thank You!!!!!!!



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