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Zombie Virus

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Awhile ago I wanted to make a virus deck and when I looked to see how they worked someone said to use zombies. I just want to know if this is could work before I make it. Designed for casual play.


Monsters: 18


x2 Despair from the Dark

x2 Lich Lord, King of the Underworld


x2 Goblin Zombie

x2 Zombie Master

x3 Pyramid Turtle

x2 Plague Wolf

x2 Armageddon Knight

x1 Plaguespreader Zombie

x1 Spirit Reaper

x1 Mezuki


Spells: 11


x3 Book of Life

x2 Allure of Darkness

x1 Foolish Burial

x1 Card of Safe Return

x1 Heavy Storm

x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

x1 Monster Reborn

x1 Brain Control


Traps: 12


x3 Threatening Roar

x2 Epidemic Eradicator Virus

x2 Deck Devastation Virus

x1 Crush Card Virus

x1 Trap Dust Shoot

x1 Mirror Force

x2 Mind Crush


Total: 41


Might replace Threatening Roar with Solemn Judgement or Reckless Greed and Mind Crush with Creature Swap depending if thing don't work out

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You could play Mind Crush here as the virus cards will give you constant knowledge of you opponent's hand, and I don't really think you need 3 Plague Wolf with all the recursion happening here (they may end up as dead draws).


Creature Swap maybe? You already run Armageddon so I suppose you could lose 1 Foolish Burial and 1 Plague Wolf for 2 Swap.

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I'll take out a Plague Wolf and a Foolish Burial but should I add two Creature Swaps or Mind Crushes? Which one would be more helpful for the deck?


I couldn't say just on the spot, you'd have to playtest. Creature Swap for aggression but Mind Crush for control, I'd probably go with Swap though. And yeah, as Zaraki said, try and make room for a Brain Control too.

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I'll put in Mind Crush first.


I added Brain Control but didn't know what to take out' date=' but I don't think 41 cards are too many though.



Indeed, 41 cards isn't bad. I personally don't think 3 books is necessary. But it's up to you.

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