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Bakugan New Vestroia

The Dark Prince

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occ: well it easy to do you active you ganuate. you was power strike. you ever going first set a gate card down the person who set that gate card down can active anytime. went a bakugan is defect the gate is gone. the the opponent get to set a gate card down. the bakugan battle on that gate card. you can active ability but you can active three or two. you can active a abililty plus another or active a abililty card plus another plus a fusion abililty. you have a power grid. lose three battle you lose. you can use the same bakugan over and over unless the bakugan power level is less than 500. and that it

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i activate ability Fire Tornado my matis gets to 450 gs but your scorpion and dragon get -100 gs so that is dragon 400 scorpion (dont now) mANTIS ATTACK DRAGO!


Matt:Nice try.Double Ability activate!!Satellite Boost and Reflection Boost!My Scorpion gains 100 points and your Bakugan loses 300 gs.Now Double Ability go!Burning Dragon and Fusion Ability Pyrus Slayer!Now my Drago has 1000 gs.Now you loses 100 gs.My two bakugan gs combined have 1470 gs!!!I win!!!!

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Matt:BRAWL GO PYRUS PERCIVAL!!!Triple ability activate.Tri-Gunner' date='Darkus Driver,Night Explorer.

You lose 300 gs and my Percival is at 880 gs.All my bakugan combined g power level is 2350 gs!!I WIN AGAIN!!


Neca:Not s fast gate card open!Mine field!All our bakugans on the card are destroyd and you can only trow three ability and you used then so ur bakugans are destroyd

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