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DBZ:Saga of Time [Started; Accepting via PM]


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Namos frowned slightly when he saw all sorts of attacks being piled into one of the fighter's swords. "Maybe, just maybe..." He muttered. He paused, closing his eyes. "Sengaten." He whispered.


Suddenly, colors seemed to blurr to him. He looked at the man holding the sword, and saw him in incredible detail; ever flick, every twich, every movement, and especially that in the blade.

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As the blade came down, releasing all the pent up Ki in it, Namos almost subconsciously got into a long stance. He put his hands in a shape before him. "Sengaten... COMPLETE!" He yelled, as his body replicated the Ki leaving the blade, down to the smallest bit, releasing an arc of energy towards the one they were attacking.

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OoC: I got accepted, so I guess I'll start.


Tao had been wandering, and noticed a crator in the ground. He also thought much of the surrounding Ki in the area. It was very high, indicating something was up. He peered at the crator and saw a figure, another figure that was ready to slice the first figure, and a third figure that was wandering aside. He looked around the crator and spots a figure shooting Ki blasts at the figure in the crator. He, being bored, and not wanting to interrupt anything, sat aside. He then noticed Namos, which seemed to be focused on the figure holding the sword. A blast from Namos also indicated that they were all attacking this one guy.

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