::Triumph:: Posted June 8, 2009 Report Share Posted June 8, 2009 AUTHORS NOTE: Well this is going to be my best RP ever! Yes very exciting i know. This is basically a more organized and all out better version of DBZ:Legacy of the Z-Fighters(1 of my first RP's ever.) There are going to be 15 diffrent Sagas, which have to deal with diffrent problems, enemies, and characters. So plz join this RP and if you do, you have to promise to be Active and keep it going. PLOT: Kai and the Z-Fighters have been awaiting challanges for all thier lives, but when a new villan by the name of Darzo, comes down to Earth, the Z Fighters are going to be in for alot of new challenges, problems, and loses. Can they save the world from the tyrants ahead, or will they fall and will the universe be destroyed? Stay tuned for DBZ: SAGA OF TIME! APP: Name:Age: (Under 24. You age throught the RP)Gender:Techniques: (You can make up your own but only start off with 6. You can come up with 1 new technique in each Saga but you must PM it to me first and get my confirmation. WITHOUT MY CONFIRMATION YOU CANNOT USE THE TECHNIQUE!!! IF YOU DO YOU WILL BE NEGGED! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!)Weapons:Apperance:Bio: MY APP: Name:KaiAge: 18 (Under 24. You age throught the RP)Gender: MTechniques: Miracle Rush, Volt Charge, Super Blast Volley,Kamehameha, Secret Mind, Vital Blast Weapons:Sword (He will get the sword in the 3rd Saga.)Apperance: Bio: Kai is the leader of the Z- Fighters and a very powerful Saiyan. He has been waiting and training forever with his friends and now is the time to prove his strength to the world. RULES: The rules are simple and are as followed: -No spamming-No Intense Language-No godmodding!-Stay on Track-Have fun! MISC: If you have any questions PM me. 1st Saga- Darzo's Reign! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Chaos Sonic Posted June 8, 2009 Report Share Posted June 8, 2009 Name:Saskuto UchigyaAge:15Gender:MaleTechniques:Burning Attack,Kamehameha,Burning Barrage,Fire SlashWeapons:KatanaApperance:Bio:A powerful Saiyan that has become a master of the sword. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
::Triumph:: Posted June 8, 2009 Author Report Share Posted June 8, 2009 Accepted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Chaos Sonic Posted June 8, 2009 Report Share Posted June 8, 2009 Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted June 8, 2009 Report Share Posted June 8, 2009 Name: NamosAge: 17Gender: MaleTechniques: Hadohameha [Modification of normal Kamehameha. Less powerful, but can be used with less charge time, and can be used several times in succession without much effort.]Zerogaten [Fire-based blast that depletes a lot of energy, but can burn away whatever it hit's Ki]Infugaten [Wind-based blast that uses almost no energy, but doesn't physically hurt people. Instead, damages their concentration and Ki.]Serogaten [Electric-based blast that depletes a large amount of energy and is only about average power, but is blindingly fast and can change paths mid-air]Sengaten Trance [Places self in a neutral-Ki trance, in which he neither recovers nor uses any ki. Is capable of copying moves that the opponent uses in this trance, but in exchange, must contain focus. Cannot use anything but the attacks the opponent uses while in trance.]Kiseim-Sengaten [And advanced form of Sengaten. Uses a lot of ki and cannot attack at all, however places self in an extremely focused state in which he can view opponents almost as Freeze-frames. Like this, he can examine opponent's attacks and learn how they are used, and apply the concepts to himself.]Weapons: A chain known as 'The Chain of Knowledge'. While at first nothing more than a normal Chain with a bladed edge at the end, over the RP, learns to use it to transfer opponent's Ki to him.Apperance: Namos is a wiry fellow you wouldn't expect to be much of a fighter; he has a fair amount of muscle, but nothing extreme. He has short green hair that is still tied back as if not to get in his eyes, which are a dark blue and seem to be wider than usual eyes. He stands at about 6'3, and generally wears a loose black coat over a green Undershirt, with a pair of loose cloth black pants. He wears a pair of tinted bronze glasses, which he doesn't really need, but wears as his eyes are fairly sensitive.Bio: A member of a secret sect in the Himalayas, Namos is the last full-blooded Lirian- Lirians are creatures that may have originally been aliens from a long-dead planet, but moved to Earth thousands of years ago. It's theorized that the Lirians were the ones who influenced humans to create Ki. In modern days, no pure Lirian has existed due to interbreeding, but there are still those with trace amounts in their blood. Through a ritual involving giving up one's eyesight and part of their free will, a part-blooded Lirian can manifest a being of Ki within themselves that awakens their dormant genes, making them for all intents and purposes, full-blooded. This being of Ki is known as a Gate, and the core remains within the Lirian's heart, supplying them with extra Ki. The Gate can manifest itself as a creature outside of their host's body, usually as an nonthreatening creature like a Firefly, Mouse or Beetle, however they never speak to anyone aside from their host; Generally, as the process blinds the host, they will act as their master's seeing-eye dogs and guide them. However, Namos is odd as for whatever reason, immediate medical attention allowed him to retain his vision. He is not sure why that happened, but is very curious, and aims to find out.Lirians are a physically weak species, however they have incredible control over Ki, to the point where it becomes indistinguishable from magic. Namos isn't very experienced, but already can generate Fire, Wind, and Electricity; the normal abilities of a Lirian. However, due to his eyesight, he has developed an odd ability that most Lirians do not have; Sengaten. Sengaten allows him to slow down his perception speed, and see incoming attacks or opponents in amazing detail. This, coupled with a thick skin of Ki energy, makes him difficult to hit; However, its primary other function is to allow him to watch Energy Attacks, and how they are done, and take them for himself. After leaving the Himalayas, who had all but forgotten the Lirians, Namos has been wandering around, looking for Ki users that he can use his abilities to learn from. He has heard of the Z-Fighters, but has no real wish to join them, simply to observe them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
::Triumph:: Posted June 8, 2009 Author Report Share Posted June 8, 2009 Accpeted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathSkull Posted June 8, 2009 Report Share Posted June 8, 2009 Name:RainaAge:16Gender:FemaleTechniques:Healing,Barrior Shild,Teleport,Dark Energy Ball,Hyper Mode Weapons:SwordApperance:Bio:Raina has been going though tough training for as long as she can rember her great grandmother who lived longer than any normal human told her to prepar for you will be needed and with those last word from Raina's great grandmother she past at over 100 years old.Since then she has been training hard for that time even though she feels its will never happen.She comes from a family who can do all kinds of weard stuff but she is the first to past even the highest levels their family has.But outside of this she does all her normal girl things like dating hanging with friends and enjoying the life of a teen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
::Triumph:: Posted June 8, 2009 Author Report Share Posted June 8, 2009 Accepted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Axle C. Posted June 9, 2009 Report Share Posted June 9, 2009 If I'm not allowed to have 2 characters, ignore the second one. Name: Axle ComutezaAge: 17Gender: MaleTechniques: Ki Claws: Axle begins to gather Ki to his claws. He then slashes at his opponet, sending a wave of Ki in the shape of slash marks. The closer Axle is to the opponet, the more effect this move has. Ki Arm: Axle points his right hand at his opponet, an open hand. Suddenly, his arm begins to move apart like a machine until it makes 30 bullet holes in Axle's right arm. Then, rapid blasts of Ki come from each hole, firing at Axle's opponet(s). Photon Flash (( http://dragonball.wikia.com/wiki/Photon_Flash )) Final Flash Eraser Cannon (( http://dragonball.wikia.com/wiki/Eraser_Cannon )) Ki Chain Trap: Axle shoots out all the blades on both hands, the chains connecting them emitting with his Ki. The blades go seperate ways, digging in or wrapping around something near. Then, Ki blasts from the chains, hitting anything within the trap of chains. Weapons: Special modified claws with poison injected in each blade. If he can stab the claw into someone for long enough, the poison is injected into whoever he stabbed. Sometimes, instead of poison, he uses acid. He can also shoot each blade on the claws at his opponet. All blades are connected to the claws by chain. His right arm is also mechanical with the design of half an eye on it. All Ki attacks comming from his right arm are enhanced.Apperance: Bio:Axle's family was never exactly... normal. His parents were technology freaks and always seemed to experiment on living animals, which Axle and his sister hated. Axle was very protective of his little sister, and wouldn't let anyone harm her. One day, Axle and his sister got home at late night and couldn't seem to find their parents. They went out looking for them. The next day, they returned home to find their dad there, but their mom no where to be seen. A few days later, Axle and his sister found a weird door in their basement and opened it. They walked into a weird room with a bunch of machinery and stuff Axle couldn't identify.Then, he found his mom's dead body, head completly off. Next to it was the robot of a dog. The dog spoke to him, but in a weak voice. Axle could tell that it was his moms voice, and realized that the robot was his mom. Then, everything went black. He awoke to cries of pain. He was strapped to a table and his sister was next to him, but she only had 1 arm. Then, he felt the sharp pain as his arm was blown off. He let out a cry of pain and looked up, seeing his dads menacing face. Axle had no idea what had blown his arm off at the time, but eventually realized it was Ki. He then witnessed his father experimenting on 2 mechanical arms, connecting wires and such. Then, he approached Axle's sister, connecting the nerves in her arm to the mechanical, and doing a lot more. He was building something within both the mechanical arm and her skin. Then, after about 2 hours of work, he began to do the same to Axle. Axle couldn't withstand the pain and ended up blowing up the his whole house using his Ki. Sadly, he did not get the full treatment, and his mechanical arm is not at full power and functioning as it's suppose to, unlike his sisters. Shortly after his house blew up, he fled the scene, believing his little sister to be dead. Axle was only 9 at the time. Now, he isn't exactly a member of the Z-Fighters, being one of their enemies, yet an ally, too. Name: Ami ComutezaAge: 15Gender: FemaleTechniques: Ki Arm: (( See Axle's. Except it's her left arm. )) Omega Blaster: http://dragonball.wikia.com/wiki/Omega_Blaster Big Bang Attack The Deadliest Arm: Ami's left arm (( the mechanical one )) suddenly begins to glow in a blue light. Blasts of Ki begin to shoot from the arm and explosions begin to happen around her. Whenever she uses this move, she usually shoves her arm into the ground, causing blasts and explosions to come up from the ground, making it almost impossible to dodge it, even in the air, unless you get up high enough in time. Usually, after she does this move, she can not move. It usually takes hours for her to move again. Though it could even take days and maybe weeks. Ki Sword: Using her ki and her mechanical arm, she forms her Ki into the shape of a sword. She can manipulate the size of the sword depending on how much energy she has. Teleportation: (( It is built into her arm )) Weapons: Her left arm is mechanical and has a design of half an eye on it. All Ki attacks comming from this arm are enhanced.Apperance: Bio: Same as Axle's except she got the full treatment of her arm, and, even though she doesn't look it, is a lot stronger than Axle. Despite her appearence and the fact the she seems shy when you don't know her, she is actually an optimistic person who gets along with others easily. She, unlike her brother, who she has no idea where he is, joined the Z-Fighters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Cyrus-The-Virus:. Posted June 9, 2009 Report Share Posted June 9, 2009 Name: ValikAge: UnknownGender: MaleTechniques: Burning Attack, Big Bang Attack, Final Flash, Spirit Bomb, Solar Kamehameha, Death Beam[spoiler=Weapons:] [spoiler=Apperance:] Bio: Valik was once the darkest and most evil being in the universe. After he finally died, he was made the Demon Lord who had to watch over all souls in the Underworld. He finally escaped and lost all of his memory. He now fights for good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
::Triumph:: Posted June 11, 2009 Author Report Share Posted June 11, 2009 accepted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathSkull Posted June 11, 2009 Report Share Posted June 11, 2009 ooc.How many do we need to start Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
∑VÌl ÀNG€L Posted June 11, 2009 Report Share Posted June 11, 2009 Name: Person Jenkins (Call me Guy)Age: (Under 24. You age throught the RP) 17Gender: MaleTechniques: (You can make up your own but only start off with 6. You can come up with 1 new technique in each Saga but you must PM it to me first and get my confirmation. WITHOUT MY CONFIRMATION YOU CANNOT USE THE TECHNIQUE!!! IF YOU DO YOU WILL BE NEGGED! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!) Dodonpa, Fusion, Gekitotsu Ultra Buu Buu Volley Ball, Genki-dama (Spirit-Bomb), Henshin (Transforming), Makankosappo (Special Beam Cannon)Weapons: Long SwordApperance: Bio: He came out of nowhere and acted like he knew everybody. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
::Triumph:: Posted June 12, 2009 Author Report Share Posted June 12, 2009 We'll start June 12th Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Hyde Posted June 12, 2009 Report Share Posted June 12, 2009 Name: Zach YabariAge: 14Gender: MaleTechniques: Final Flash, Kamehameha Doom Flash - A Dark Version of Final FlashOmega Blaze - Rises his hands and concentrates on a spot. The spot then explodes.Kame Arrow - Starts a Kamehameha and throws it in the shape of an arrow.Lightning Flasher - Shoots a bunch of high energy Ki blasts.Weapons:[spoiler=Apperance:] Bio: He has no memory. He fights his way to it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hitsugaya The Ice God Posted June 12, 2009 Report Share Posted June 12, 2009 Name:Asuka HoshigakeAge:23Gender:MTechniques:i am going to edit and put them in after i make themWeapons:giant blade made of shark skinApperance:Bio:same as techniques Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
::Triumph:: Posted June 12, 2009 Author Report Share Posted June 12, 2009 Accepted. Okay. Now we can start. SAGA 1:DARZO'S REIGN! Kai sat outside his house in Refulian Forest on Earth. He tried to maintain the Ki energy within while trying to predict the squrriel infront of him next move. Come on Kai....you can do it...ahh! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Chaos Sonic Posted June 12, 2009 Report Share Posted June 12, 2009 Saskuto:(sits near a cliff and watches the sunset on Earth)This planet feels peaceful than my old planet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
::Triumph:: Posted June 12, 2009 Author Report Share Posted June 12, 2009 With much effort Kai preidcted that the squrriel would run right then turn exactly 180 degrees and then run up the nearby tree. He was proud of himself. The technique he used was called Secret Mind, and by Kai focusing his ki into the mind of a selected target he could for an instant share minds with the target and predict it's next move or simply read it's mind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
∑VÌl ÀNG€L Posted June 12, 2009 Report Share Posted June 12, 2009 Guy was in The Chamber of Time practicing... 5 days later he walks out stronger than ever, and capable of transformation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
::Triumph:: Posted June 12, 2009 Author Report Share Posted June 12, 2009 Kai got tired and walked inside. "I wonder what the guys are doing today?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hitsugaya The Ice God Posted June 12, 2009 Report Share Posted June 12, 2009 Asuka ,which was waiting outside the chamber of time, noticed that Guy came out and asked "is it free for me to go in now?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted June 12, 2009 Report Share Posted June 12, 2009 Namos yawned a bit, glancing around. He was in some sort of forest, though he wasn't entirely sure where. All he knew was that he had located a Ki-user nearby, and that said Ki-user was moderately experianced. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wuu. Posted June 12, 2009 Report Share Posted June 12, 2009 Name: Yado Fugoshi Age: 13Gender: MaleTechniques: Heyanmaru Blast-Off: He loads up a big amount of energy in a short time which he then uses to "transform" him in a giant energy bullet and fly towards the enemy with an incredible speed.Dragon Meteor Buster: He nearly crawls into a ball-form and streches out rapidly, which sends hundreds of baby-sized Ki blasts flying all over the place.Weapons: Who needs weapons when they are superhuman?Apperance: Bio: Yado is a mild, yet very strong kid who came from a bloodline of 'Superhumans' he never really wanted his powers, nor did he know about them until he became 13. Although he is a mild and calm kid he can sometimes have fury attacks, all of a sudden but mostly it comes from being pushed or being too stressed. When he has these attacks he has no consience of what he does (Like a small Oozaru form) Sometimes when he is alone he tries to train al by himself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
∑VÌl ÀNG€L Posted June 12, 2009 Report Share Posted June 12, 2009 Guy says "Go Ahead, I am stronger than ever" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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