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Deck Contest, find out yourself!!!ENDS TOMORROW!!!

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Kuriboh deck contest

Make a Deck on Budget of Kuribohs

-you must use:kuriboh\winged kuriboh or kuribon (at least 3 copies of one of them)

-dont use sky scouths

-Dont use the kuribohs only for a discarding fodder, a tribute fodder or a remove-from-play fodder

-Explain how you deck works

-3 Reps for winner, 1 Rep for Second

-End Date:this sunday (14.6.09) when i say






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Monsters: 20

|1| Splendid Venus

|1| Airknight Parshath

|1| Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin


|3| Winged Kuriboh

|3| Mokey Mokey

|3| Nova Summoner

|3| Zeradias, Herald of Heaven

|2| Shining Angel

|2| Honest

|1| Sangan


Spells: 15

|3| Sanctuary in the Sky

|1| Terraforming

|1| Monster Reborn

|3| Mokey Mokey Smackdown

|3| One for One

|2| Flute of Summoning Kuriboh

|1| Mst

|1| Heavy


Traps: 8

|3| Roar

|2| Beckoning Light

|3| Assult on GHQ



Explain how this works:

Assult on GHQ kills Winged Kuriboh making Mokey Mokey mad (smackdown). And if anything were to happen (i.e shrink) you won't take dmg that turn.

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18| Monsters


3| Casius the Shadow Monarch

2| Raiza the Storm Monarch

1| Mobius the Frost Monarch

1| Chaos Sorcerer


3| Winged Kuriboh

3| Kuriboh

1| Treeborn Frog

3| Krebons

1| Sangan


16| Spells


2| Allure of Darkness

3| The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh

1| Emergency Teleport

1| Brain Control

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Monster Reborn

1| Mind Control

1| Soul Exchange

3| Creature Swap

1| Scapegoat


6| Traps


1| Crush Card Virus

1| Torrential Tribute

3| Solemn Judgment

1| Dark Bribe


15| Exrta Deck



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you'll LOL at this! XD


Monsters: 21

x3 Winged Kuriboh

x3 Winged Kuriboh LV 10

x3 Shining Angel

x3 Honest

x1 Cyber Dragon

x2 Athena

x3 Hecatrice

x3 Nova Summoner

x1 Sangan


Spells: 16

x2 Sanctuary in the Sky

x3 Flute

x3 Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen

x3 Transendant Wings

x2 One for One

x1 Terraforming

x1 Reborn

x1 Heavy



Traps: 4

x1 Leauge of Uniform Nomiclature

x3 Decree


Total: 41



that's right, i'm bringing out winged kuriboh level 10 for this baby!

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Monsters: 20

2x Caius

2x Raiza

2x Tragoedia

2x Winged Kuriboh LV 9


6x Gadgets

3x Winged Kuriboh

2x Psychic Commander

1x Grand Mole

1x Sangan


Spells: 16

3x Book of Moon

2x Shrink

2x Flute of Summoning Kuriboh

2x Chain Summoning

1x Limiter Removal

1x Emergency Teleport

1x Pot of Avarice

1x Reborn

1x MST

1x Fissure

1x Smashing Ground


Traps: 7

3x Roar

2x Accumulated Fortune

2x Ultimate Offering


Total: 44


Ok, so the deck is pretty straightforward. Almost every part of the deck can be part of a chain. A common move is to summon a gadget (chain link 1), use something like teleport or just flip up ultimate offering (chain link 2), Play chain Summoning (chain link 3), and then flip accumulated fortune to replenish your hand. Winged kuriboh lv 9 is easy to summon in here and has the potential to serve as a beatstick. Tragoedia's the other beater, since the gadgets can keep your handcount rather high. The field tends to fill up rather easily and I'll still have summons left over, so the monarchs are just to kinda troll.

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