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Dragon Quest:Rise Of The Dragons(contest/RPG)LOCK


What is your favourite element??(Please do this first before doing the form)  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. What is your favourite element??(Please do this first before doing the form)

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Welcome to the world of Dragon Quest!!!

In this Role Play Game,you journey as a young dragon to get all the elements(fire,water,earth,dark,wind,light,ice)so you can grant your long-awaited wish(100 points).


How to join

entry fee:20 points

fill out this form:


Dragon name: (not your username)


Appearance:(small PIC please)


Age: (10 to 20 only,that's why it said YOUNG DRAGONS)


starting element(you will start with 1 element,the rest of the elements you will find yourself.)



choose from these dragon cities:


Ice caves

Rockwell trails

Castle Of Darkness

Windy Woods

Golden Fields

Treasure Trove

Flame town#


Esaratha Peaks#

Anarzoth mountains#

~~~~Create Your Own!!~~~>>20 points(tell me what name of city you want)

(by the way,the ones with # was created by other people not me,only V.I.P can pick the ones with #)





How to find elements:

The elements will appear rarely in this post,in my sig,or anywhere close to here for 1 hour only.The elements could also be hidden in a message too.


What an element looks like:

it could be hidden in sentences like this:


"Why did you give me this!" ??? said

"I told you not to give her that gift"??? answered

"No more TALKING!!"??? shouted

"Don't talk about it EVER again!


the answer was at the start of each sentence.

it could also be diagonal,horizontal,up and down or very tiny.


And of course,there could be some pics too :)


VIP members:

VIP members can have a dragon BATTLE!(1 on 1)dragon monsters only.The spells and traps can be anything.

pay 10 points if you want to be one.If you win you get 30,40 or 50 points from your enemy!(get 50 only if the enemy has more than 60 points)VIP's could have secret missions!!



1 Molacus(Ugallian)

2 ME!!!

3Apheus(The Omega)










you can level up by:

completing missions

doing a dragon battle(VIP)

Finding Elements

Adding Fan Art

Giving Good ideas for my role play(private message please)


The Prizes when the role play ends.


Only 3 will win the major prizes.


1st:100 points,GOLD TROPHY and certificate

2nd:50 points,SILVER TROPHY and certificate

3rd:40 points,BRONZE TROPHY and certificate


But that's not all :cool: ,The VIP and all the rest of the people get 1 point,SHOP COUPON(if you want it)and a certificate!!!




1Suiton(Kuja the Magnificent)






4Aspheus(The Omega)






7Darkness 303

(you need to fill out the form!!)






all people who would like to send fan art put it here.There will be FanArt of the week and the winner gets FREE V.I.P and 20 points!!




:cool:THE END :cool:

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Why is no one caring for you?:(




Dragon name: Suiton(Naruto francise for Water Style)




Age: 14

Starting Element: Water

Hometown: I wanna create my own. It's called Atlantia. Sending 20 extra points.

Bio: Suiton was one of the first Water Dragons in Atlantia that ever leaved her(yes, it's a she!) home on her own at a very young age. She is confident that she will meet friends, and hopefully, her first mate.

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Ill send you 40 points: One for the entry and one for the city.

Dragon name: (not your username) Nuriel


Appearance:(small PIC please) [spoiler=Appearance of the dragon]Fire_Dragon_by_pamansazz.jpg



Age: (10 to 20 only,that's why it said YOUNG DRAGONS) 17


starting element(you will start with 1 element,the rest of the elements you will find yourself.) Fire


Homeland: Flame Town


Bio: One of the few dragons to have unknown strenght and was barely alive when he was borned.

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Dragon name: Aspheus







Age: 19


starting element: Darkness


Homeland: Castle of Darkness




Aspheus was a rude and arrogant dragon as a start, during his childhood he had acted as if he was the ruler of his own world. He was known as a burden to his Parents, which was why he was sent away from the Castle of Darkness. He became lonely as he grew up ny himself, but he did not mind. He became into a shy and quiet Young dragon when he reached 19, and had learned his ways of the darkness.

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Dragon name: (not your username) Molacus


Appearance:(small PIC please)red_dragon.jpg


Age: (10 to 20 only,that's why it said YOUNG DRAGONS)11


starting element(you will start with 1 element,the rest of the elements you will find yourself.) Fire


Homeland: make own,: Esaratha Peaks

Paid for VIP

Bio: A lonely Dragon who was born in the frost. His biggest goal is to find a friend.

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Chapter 1 : The Test Of Element finding

(oh by the way,my dragon(Striker) is the 'Master' of the dragons)


Striker flew on the top of the roof while the dragons were outside of his Dojo


"ahh,so these are the chosen ones!"

"Welcome,Dragons,to my Dragon Dojo!!"

"To be a TRUE dragon,you must pass this test mission,find your 1st element!!(ice)"

"But if you lose,its ok,its just a beginner mission"


[spoiler=The riddle]

to pass this test you must get this riddle,

its not into the right or even the middle,

it is in somewhere cool,

but not in the coldest pool,

its something i own,

the answer cannot be shown.




Master Striker

(lv. 7)

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