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Been collecting for six years...

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And I've never once been in a duel with these cards! :lol: I just found this site last night, and seeing that there's a board for it, figured why not? This isn't all of my cards, this is just what I have as my "Primary Deck" at the moment.

Also, the only rules I know are the 2003 rules, so I more or less don't know any of the changes to the game since then. ^^;


[spoiler=Old Deck]Monsters - 24

Spirit of the Harp

Gyakutenno Megami

Amphibian Beast

Servant of Catabolism

Gora Turtle

Master Kyonshee

Dark Assailant

Summoned Skull

La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp

Goblin of Greed

Rogue Doll

Lord of D.

Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier

Ceremonial Bell

Des Koala



Master & Expert

Bombardment Beetle

Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Koumouri Dragon

Red-Eyes B. Dragon


Skull Red Bird


Spells - 14

Malevolent Nuzzler

Horn of Light

Archfiend's Oath

Remove Trap


Dian Keto the Cure Master

Mystic Plasma Zone

Dark Hole


Dark Energy

Stamping Destruction

The Flute of Summoning Dragon


The Inexperienced Spy


Traps - 11

Reverse Trap

Just Desserts

Spatial Collapse

Fairy's Hand Mirror

Shadow of Eyes

Needle Wall

Ultimate Offering

Tower of Babel

Fiend Comedian

Ray of Hope

Rite of Spirit




ETA: I just re-did my deck; Took out a bunch of cards, and since I'm trying to make a dragon deck, tossed in the only other dragon cards I have, but originally left out, two because they're weak and have no effect, and one because it's weak and a union monster (and I'm not sure how those work)


Monsters - 20

Lord of D.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Red-Eyes B. Dragon

Koumori Dragon

One-Eyed Shield Dragon

Petit Dragon

Pitch-Dark Dragon


Skull Red Bird

Des Koala

Goblin of Greed



Gora Turtle

Bombardment Beetle

Summoned Skull

Servant of Catabolism

Amphibian Beast

Master Kyonshee

Gyakutenno Megami


Spells - 11

The Flute of Summoning Dragon


Stamping Destruction

Dark Hole

Horn of Light

Malevolent Nuzzler


The Inexperienced Spy

Dian Keto the Cure Master

Remove Trap



Traps - 9

Reverse Trap

Needle Wall

Fiend Comedian

Tower of Babel

Spatial Collapse

Fairy's Hand Mirror

Ultimate Offering

Just Desserts

Shadow of Eyes

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49 cards' date=' no theme, and no win condition. There's no way anyone can fix this in its current state.



That's what I kind of thought ^^; I was aiming for a Dragon/Winged Beast theme (leaning more toward Dragon, though), but I just don't have enough cards of that type to reach that aim at the moment. It's been a while since I bought a booster pack, so I'll try to do some research on the current ones, so that I can hopefully figure out if there's a set with some dragons.


lord of dick and flute of summoning dragons with 2 targets is pro.


Thanks' date=' I think? ^^;


This should help you


Scroll down to #7 - Deckbuilding. It's a very useful illustrated guide on how to make this better.


Also, the main change you should know about are Synchro Monsters, but that's a lesson for another day.


Thanks! I knew I should've done more than just scan over the rules ^^;


I saw "Synchro" in the card maker, along with a few others I didn't reconize. I'll have to search around for the new rules so I can read about all these changes...

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Also check out the current Advanced Format Forbidden/Limited List. It's under the Important Threads section in the main Your Deck section. If you're going to duel in a tournament, they probably use it. Almost every tournament uses it. If you're sticking with Traditional, though, USE THE FOLLOWING STAPLES. EVERY TRADITIONAL DECK SHOULD INCLUDE THESE:


-Pot of Greed

-Graceful Charity

-Monster Reborn

-Premature Burial

-Harpie's Feather Duster

-Mystical Space Typhoon


-Call of the Haunted


Even if you don't change anything else, these cards make any Traditional deck so much better.

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