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[Discuss] The remaining 1/4 of the set.

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-Monster is Trade-In food that can be called from the Graveyard with this Spell (too bad that other than that, its a nomi)

-Hydrogedon is fun but needs more ATK for it to have more chances of killing the monster

-Hoxigedon is plain bad in my opinion

-We need some WATER searcher or WATER draw engine and it will be viable for me to use

-ART of the Dragon is WIN :)

-Not much more to say about it (by the moment)

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This card is boring' date=' same with the rest of the set.

The math part of YGO is annoyng enough, I don't need a science lesson too -_-



WTF? what math part?


I'm guessing that apparently keeping track and calculating lifepoints throughout the match is rather difficult for some individuals...oh and there's also increasing, decreasing, halving, and doubling of attack and defense points.

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It's a 2800 ATKer with an effect that will probably never get used unless you run a "DNA" card' date=' which is also situational.[/b']


Even with Diamond dude, meh.


Wrong. If you ran any DNA card, it turns ALL monsters into that Type or Attribute. Which means Water Dragon's own ATK would become 0.


As said above. Even with Diamond dude, meh.

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