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.....Anyone notice the random X logo?



And how is Dark Freed better? Dark Freed cannot be Special Summoned. And Dark Freed can only add a level 4 monster' date=' whare as the normal Freed can add 1 thats level 4 or lower.





.....Honestly, I thought it was like a pre-'X-Saber' thing

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because giving you costless hand advantage wouldn't make him overpowered right?


Perhaps something like a Monarch. "When this card is Normal Summoned, add 1 Level 4 or lower Warrior-type Monster Card from your Deck to your Hand."

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dark freed >> this' date=' and dark freeds only use is in a counter garden deck



OMG you must be blind or something, What the heck has Dark Freed has to with this Freed their effects are Completely Different there is no ponit of comparison...


DArk Freed is Dark Support...Semi Bad Dark Support....(Like if there isn't enough of that)


Freed is ultimately the only thing remotely simiiliar to the Now raped Rota...

See they are used for different Intentions...no point of Comparison


This. And Gold Sarc doesn't cost 1000 anymore.



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