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About Zoa/Metalzoa...

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ok this is somethin ive been curious about for some time now, i have the cards zoa and metalzoa, but i dont have metalmorph......but wha i DO have is RARE metalmorph, can tht b equipped to zoa so i can summon metalzoa? i mean theyre both kinda the same cards (sorta) so idk why tht wouldnt work know?

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Or so you would have been lead to beleive my good sir. People will falsify and fabricate if it means appeasing a tyrant which you most certainly are. Living that life of lie while diminishing others hopes and dreams does not make one charismatic. In fact you are the opposite, a destroyer if such one who takes and doesn't give back. You came here and have worked your way up the ranks to be one of the gods of this hell hole (at least it isn't pojo LOL). One day you shall be vanquished....


(also you should like you know totally find that AIM password or make a new account/get MSN/ something so we can chat you tool).


The goggles they do nothing!

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Or so you would have been lead to beleive my good sir. People will falsify and fabricate if it means appeasing a tyrant which you most certainly are. Living that life of lie while diminishing others hopes and dreams does not make one charismatic. In fact you are the opposite' date=' a destroyer if such one who takes and doesn't give back. You came here and have worked your way up the ranks to be one of the gods of this hell hole (at least it isn't pojo LOL). One day you shall be vanquished....



What does this have to do with anything? I'm basing my statement on a detailed analysis of my bathroom mirror.

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