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People get lost so

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I see people asking "Wheres the name change thread" "wheres the lottery" "wheres the rep complaint thread" "wheres the joke card thread" and those other ones

so i tought YCM should make an Important Threads forum into where ONLY mods can move the Important Threads.

This way people wont get lost.

In it there can be the officical Rules of YCM to

and other importnat threads.


If i get 100 Supporters this must be added here






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I see people asking "Wheres the name change thread" "wheres the lottery" "wheres the rep complaint thread" "wheres the joke card thread" and those other ones

so i tought YCM should make an Important Threads forum into where ONLY mods can move the Important Threads.

This way people wont get lost.

In it there can be the officical Rules of YCM to

and other importnat threads.


If i get 100 Supporters this must be added here







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People shall still ask in other forums where these "important threads" are - it's inevitable when running a large forum. I do not support this, but do agree that some of the current names of such threads are... confusing, to say the least.


*cough* thealiasemporium *cough*


I suspect many of the members of this site no not what an alias, or an emporium, for that matter, are (which is no fault of their own).

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People shall still ask in other forums where these "important threads" are - it's inevitable when running a large forum. I do not support this' date=' but do agree that some of the current names of such threads are... confusing, to say the least.


*cough* thealiasemporium *cough*


I suspect many of the members of this site no not what an alias, or an emporium, for that matter, are (which is no fault of their own).



Because it was brought up, I'd just like to say that I don't support the idea of changing the name of the Alias Emporium.


It's an elegant sounding name, and much better than the bland title of "Name Change Center" or something similar. I think it would be silly to devalue a thread just because some members have a rather limited vocabulary.


Not knowing what an "alias" or an "emporium" is?


[spoiler=There, problem solved]




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I have a feeling people are purposely quoting the first post of a thread to bypass the minimum requirement to earn a point



as for the suggestion,i don't support, the "important threads" are not hard to find,most noobs are just too lazy to search the sections a bit,most the the threads that would be in that section or stickied*


*most people would say the lottery isn't stickied but that isn't the official lottery and it's not important that a new member would have to know

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People shall still ask in other forums where these "important threads" are - it's inevitable when running a large forum. I do not support this' date=' but do agree that some of the current names of such threads are... confusing, to say the least.


*cough* thealiasemporium *cough*


I suspect many of the members of this site no not what an alias, or an emporium, for that matter, are (which is no fault of their own).



Because it was brought up, I'd just like to say that I don't support the idea of changing the name of the Alias Emporium.


It's an elegant sounding name, and much better than the bland title of "Name Change Center" or something similar. I think it would be silly to devalue a thread just because some members have a rather limited vocabulary.


Not knowing what an "alias" or an "emporium" is?


[spoiler=There, problem solved]





That is the most ridiculous statement one could have made. Since when is an important thread about "elegance" as opposed to convenience? It's not there to look pretty, it's there to inform.


"Some members" is also most definitely an understatement.


I'm not saying an Important Thread Thread but an Inportant Thread Forum

the first one in order in YCM


Yes, I believe most people understood your suggestion, and still oppose it.

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I only think the 'Alias Emporium' should change its name to 'Name Change Thread'.


Because I didn't know what the hell it was before some one telling me.


I don't support this idea, n00bs don't read.


The first thing they do is spam up the Help section.

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