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sbdnate's concrete jungle deck

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1x Stratos

3x wild hearts

2x Neos Alius

2X Ocean

1x Malicious Edge

1x Grand mole

1x Raiza

1x D.D. warrior Lady

1x Sangan


3x E-calls

3x skyscraper 2

1x rota

3x book of moon

1x R-justice

1x brain control

1x monster reborn

1x heavy storm

1x MST

1x warrior returning alive

1x smashing ground

1x lightning vortex


3x bottomless trap hole

3x solemn

2x D-prison

1x torrential tribute




2x Jowgen the spiritualist

3x GB hunter

1x R-justice

1x gravity bind

3x divine wrath

2x threatening roar

2 mind crush

1 trap dustshoot


Generic extra deck


sbdnate's only form of internet right now is his cell phone, which lacks a space key, So I'm posting one of his decks for him. Yes, the side deck is messed up right now, he already knows this.


anyways, rate/fix or what ever.

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