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ok, since ever1 said my 1st deck was phail, i made a new lockdown deck. rate, comment suggestions, anything.


Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8

Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 x2

Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4 x2


Cyber Dragon

Prime Material Dragon

Masked Dragon x2

Mirage Dragon x2

Exploder Dragon x2


Blizzard Dragon

Breaker the Magical Warrior

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole



Foolish Burial x2

Level Modulation x2

Level Up! x2

Book of Moon x2

Monster Reborn

Mystical Space Typhoon

Giant Trunade

Swords of Revealing Light

Heavy Storm



Royal Decree x3

Divine Wrath

Mirror Force

Solemn Judgment x2

Bottomless Trap Hole

Magic Cylinder

Sakuretsu Armor


tell me ne suggestions

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Destiny Hero - Plasma, or your opponent will likely have an easy time breaking through. Pair with Grinder Golem and several token-generating cards that are not named Stray Lambs, such as Scapegoat and others.


Remove Horus LV4, add another LV8, more Jinzo, cut every trap that isn't Solemn and Royal Decree, add some Trade-In.


Destiny Hero Malicious, you already have the Foolish Burials. Drop a large portion of your monster line, as it's filler.


Also, remember that Level Modulation will only work on Horus LV8 if you get it out properly first. There's a ruling that says so.


I'd say to leave in Mirror force, but you need the decrees. Add another Jinzo.

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