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My Monarch Deck


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Sorry to sound like a noob, but I just got Gold Series 2 for $20 and got Gold Sarcophagus in it and bought a Raiza. Only problem is that I'm trying to see what to take out in my deck for Zaborg and Raiza. (and see what else because I got more





×2 Necroface

×3 D.D. Survivor

×3 D.D. Scout Plane

×2 Caius

×1 Kycoo

×1 D.D. Assailant

×1 Banisher of the Radiance

×1 Spirit Reaper

×1 Needle Worm

×1 Mobius

×1 Thestalos

×1 Breaker the Magical Warrior

×1 Raiza



×1 Lightning Vortex

×2 Dimensional Fissure

×1 Swords of R. Light

×1 Heavy Storm

×1 Brain Control

×1 Nobleman of Extermination

×1 MST

×1 Monster Reborn

×1 Gold Sarcophagus



×1 Threatening Roar

×1 Mirror Force

×3 Marco Cosmos

×2 Bottomless Trap Hole

×1 Torrential Tribute

×1 Return from the Different Dimention


I know it kinda sucks, shut up >_>.


Also, should I also add Gorz in my deck? I also feel jipped since that my friends said this was macro.

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I fail to see how this is macro monarch.




Remove all the crappy cards and add more monarchs... Seriously' date=' you have 1 copy of three monarchs? You'll never win.


Look at a solid monarch build for tips



He changed the title.


It used to say macro monarch.

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