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Yugioh - Revolution'ary Force - Accepting!

Dark Mousy

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It is the year of 1967, dueling, an ancient Egyptian game, had been brought to China in 1950s. The cards had "duel spirits", but now there is an oncoming threat, as the last country in the world with knowledge of the ancient game, Duel Monsters is becoming extinct in China too. (Though it will be later brought to Japan and to the knowledge of Maximillion Pegasus)


In 1966, Chairman Mao Zedong released the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, which was devised to stamp out the great olds, including Yugioh. Zedong comissions a secret military unit to destroy this game, with duelists themselves. Day by day, duelists are sprawled in the streets, after being defeated by military men, arrested, and never heard from again.


Character Apps:




Side (Communists, Duelists):

(If communist, indicate rank in army, or cadre for a generic one.)



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