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teleport village

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18| Monsters


2| Summoner Monk

3| Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

1| Breaker the Magical Warrior

2| Magical Exemplar

1| Sangan

3| Psychic Commander

3| Rose, Warrior of Revenge

3| Crystal Seer


14| Spells


3| Arcane Barrier

1| Brain Control

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

3| Creature Swap

2| Secret Village of the Spellcasters

1| Terraforming

1| Emergency Teleport

2| Gold Sarcophagus


8| Traps


1| Torrential Tribute

3| Bottomless Trap Hole

3| Solemn Judgment

1| Dark Bribe


15| Extra Deck


3| Arcanite Magician

3| Stardust Dragon

9| Generic

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