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Who Needs Pegasus? I Got Mozzerella Sticks!

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my friend wants to run CB's but is short on Sapphire Pegasus, so i came up with a deck that doesn't need Pegasus, not yet play tested, so anyone brave enough to play test this will get a +rep, only 1 play tester please so first come first serve.


Monsters: 18

x3 Tiger

x3 Mammoth

x3 Cat

x2 Charbuncle

x2 Rescue Cat

x3 X-Saber Airbellum

x2 Rose


Spells: 20

x3 Ruins

x3 Beacon

x2 Relase

x3 Rare Value

x2 Abundance

x2 Promise

x1 Reinforcements

x2 Blessing

x1 Reborn

x1 Trunade


Traps: 4

x1 Torrental

x3 Solemn


Extra Stuff:

x1 Goyo

x3 Iron Chain Dragon

x2 BRD

x1 SDD

x1 RDA

and other stuff i can't think of


Total: 42


experimental for now, but i'll need someone to test play, +rep to whoever does, and let me know what to fix up, no flamez! that will equal -reps. thank you.

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-3 Solemn

-2 Crystal Release

+3 Peggy

+1 Mst

+1 Rescue Cat

Would make it alright' date=' though.



1. no peggy, that's the whole point

2. release doesn't even have to be equipped to work, you can place it face down, if it's destroyed the effect'll work and i'll get a CB

3. running 3 solemn is the only way to run them, 1 or 2 is a no

4. i'll add a second cat, and maybe MST

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the pegasus tins aren't easy to fnd round here, everything is 5d's now, you want a stardust or blackrose tin they'll give u one for free, but a pegasus or plasma tin are a thing of rarity, i managed to find one, but you'd need 3 to run CB's correctly

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