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Local Tourney Report

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This is the Deck I played with today:




But, just for the lulz, I replaced my Lava Golems by Penguin Soldiers.


OK. I suck. But today wasn't that bad.



At first I was like: woohoo! An eight-year old! Too bad his older brother built his Deck for him. He had forgotten 2 Krebons at home, and since he didn't have any other Deck with him, I borrowed mine.

My first starting hand was awfull. Messengers, G-Bind, Level Limit and some other sheet. He kicked ass with Krebons, tributing it for Caius, reborning Krebons, bashing with Caius again, and then blowing my Stall away with a Mobius.

In the second one, he used Lightning Vortex on a LJM he had attacked with a Breaker after having destroyed Gravity Bind with it. He discarded Treeborn, and kept his backline clean. Then he used Breaker again to keep mine clean, and the turn after that he tributed Frog for Raiza. Along with a Mobius the Turn after that, he bashed me really hard. Even tough I could postpone it by topdecking 2 threatenings and a waboku.

I hadn't activated Final during the second, but meh, I lost...


SECOND ROUND:...Monarchs again...

The big bro of the kiddo from round 1.

I started with Final and a pair of Recklesses. I stalled him a lot, and when he could attack he only hit a MoD and a Marshy. He did summon Monarchs, but he prefered to weep out my backrow, for he knew my bouncers and spinners. Some nice swords finished it.

In the second, he could've won. But he had forgotten to put his new Dark Strike Fighter in his Extra Deck. And I was very lucky.


THIRD ROUND: Morphtronic

Another eight year old. In the first round, I got raped bu Boarden and Clocken. I fixed this my siding 2 Needle Ceiling, 2 Saku and 2 Skill Drain.

I won the second and third without too many problems. In both the Duels, Countdown was halfway my Deck, but meh.


Conclusion: I was lucky with the pairings. There was also a Chain Burn Deck and a Quickmiller in the tournament.


Result: 3/7


Prize: 1 Phantom Darkness and 1 CP08

I got a Zoma's Spirit, and a Great Shogun.

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You lost against an 8 year old. I don't know anybody less than 13 years old that knows the rules.


My 11 year old brother came 16th in the UK 13 and under nationals. With the deck I'd built for him (Skill Drain Swap) ;D

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Your lolocals are filled with eight year-olds and I'm jealous.


Srsly' date=' we've got Top 16 players and regional-toppers here :[



My locals is 17 adults and 3 nubs. Oh and me. ;D



I beat 34 year old players, who cares if you got beaten by and 8 year old.


That doesn't mean anything.

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Out of the 7 players, 3 were older than 20, one was as old as me, and 2 kids of about 8-9 years old. Funny thing is, the kid who pwned me in R1 actually won the tournament.

This day was a good day. Normally there are 3-4 people who got in Top 16 of the Nationals.

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