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ok...how about zombies...

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hey im tryin people cut me some slack eh?




Vampire Genesis

Pyramid Turtle x3

Ryu Kokki x2

Spirit Repaer x2

Regenerating Mummy x2

Double Coston x2

Despair from the Dark x2

Giant Axe Mummy

Dark Dust Spirit

Royal Keeper

Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower

Castle of Dark Illusions

Vampire Lord

Zombie Tiger

Decayed Commander

Vampire lady




Master Kyonshee x2




Book of Life x2

Call of the Mummy x2

Gravekeeper's Servant

Mystical Space Typhoon

Monster Reborn

Kaiser Colosseum

Swords of Revealing Light




Trap Hole x2

Negate Attack

Nutrient Z

Draining Shield

A Hero Emerges

Robbin' Goblin

Tutan Mask

Hidden Book of Spell

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hey im tryin people cut me some slack eh?




Pyramid Turtle x3

Ryu Kokki x2

Spirit Repear

Dark Dust Spirit

2x Goblin Zombie


3x Zombie Master

Dark Horus

Plaguespreader Zombie

2x Armageddon Knight



Book of Life x2

Call of the Mummy

2x Zombie World

Monster Reborn

Swords of Revealing Light

Heavy Storm

Foolish Burial

Brain Control


3x Threatening roar

3x Dark Bribe

Torrential Tribute

Mirror Force


This should run more smoothly, its not perfect but its better. You can now add an Extra deck.

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It's an improvement over your past decks, at least. I'd recommend taking Orcman's advise, or just go and make this a full-fledged Zombie World deck.


Note that if you don't have the necessary cards, you could always go out and buy them... that's what I do anyway, since I have a lack of cards. I build the deck I want in theory, then when it's to my liking, I get the cards I need from the internet, a friend, or my hobby shop.

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Castle of Dark Illusions is crap, sorry to say. It gives you a max bonus of 800, has no support from other Zombies, and takes 4 turns to work.


This is Mezuki. It's pretty much a must for any Zombie Deck.


If you're making a Zombie Deck, I'd recommend basing it around This card. It's a pretty good theme, as it stops opponent's tributes and has a ton of support.

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o yea def. i looked up zombie world b4 and im like ahh crap i make a zombie deck and thts the perfect card and im missing it lol but yea wit CODI u think i shold swap tht out for a 3rd call of the mummy? thts a pretty useful zombie card, if i had another tutan mask i was gonna put tht in as well but thts the only one i got lol

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better then what you had before, this has some kind of theme to it :)


now here is some stuff to get rid of:


Vampire Genesis is a no! he's worse the v-lord is, when u have to tribute a certain monster for something else shouldn't that one be better it's like the BESD thing, it just makes no sense!


Regenerating Mummy......also a no, it have 1800 atk sure, but other then that it's kinda useless, rid urself of that.


Despair from the Dark x2- if u must, only at 1

Giant Axe Mummy- no

Dark Dust Spirit- no

Royal Keeper- no

Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower- no

Castle of Dark Illusions- no

Vampire Lord- no

Zombie Tiger- no

Decayed Commander- no

Vampire lady- no


here is some stuff u'll want to add


zombie master

REZD (red eyes zombie dragon)

Il Blud (fav zombie card)

goblin zombie and stuff like that

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well i dont HAVE that card, i dont collect the cards anymore thts y i have all old sheet cards, dont even bother rating my decks cus ur nothin but an jabroni anyway btw change ur avatar cus ur gf is fat and ugly and no1 cares if u guys cut ur wrists and sheet all day long either

SOME r different, there r some traps i always keep in my deck just in case

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well i dont HAVE that card' date=' i dont collect the cards anymore thts y i have all old s*** cards, dont even bother rating my decks cus ur nothin but an a****** anyway btw change ur avatar cus ur gf is fat and ugly and no1 cares if u guys cut ur wrists and s*** all day long either[hr']

SOME r different, there r some traps i always keep in my deck just in case


Go fvck yourself you stupid jabroni.

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