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MMPR Cards


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I will be posting MMPR cards soon! here is a sneak preview!!!



Z Puddies

4 stars

1900 atk

effect: when this monster is destroyed and sent from the field as a result of battle, speical summon from your deck as many "Z Puddies" as possible and special summon them to your side of the field. The atk of the special summoned monsters become 1500.



Puddy Patrol

4 stars


effect: when this monster is destroyed and sent from the field as a result of battle, speical summon from your deck as many "Z Puddies" as possible and special summon them to your side of the field. The atk of the special summoned monsters become 1500.


Ecnomy Size


effect: pay 1000 life points, double a monsters attack on your side of the filed unitl the end of the turn. The monster is then destoryed.



Rito Revolto

5 stars

atk 1900

This card may attack twice in the same battle phase.




8 stars

atk 3000

effect: this card can only be summoned by tributing 2 DARK monsters. This card looses 500 atk points for every face up "Power Ranger" on the field. If "Rita Repulsa" is face up on the field, increase this monsters atk by 1000


Rita Repulsa

8 stars

atk 2900

effect: this monster looes 500 atk points for ever face up "power raner" monser on the field. If "Finster" is face up on your side of the field, increase the atk of this monster by 1000.

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