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Now days, there are classic heroes, villains, and those caught inbetween. In life, the ones without any powers or anything, and those made up. The ones we are here to talk about are the made up ones. Now, our adventure starts here, at a small village named Zelean. Now, you BE the warrior. The hero.[align=justify]

To join, simply answer: •Your RP name

•What you are with a description or picture.

•Your RP name

•Your weapon.

•Your Ability/Special Power.

•Requirements for ^above^


All is Peaceful. At least, it is thought to be. Soon, dark clouds form. The sun dissapears. A gigantic balck figure is seen in the sky. Then, it disperses, as they get larger and closer. Their detailed figures were easily reckognized. The Dread Knights & their afterlife dragons. These are the villains. Now, will you Flee, only to grow stronger and fight back when grown up more? Or join the dark armies' hordes? It is your choice...


I will post MY guy's stuff soon.

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