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360 Pro Bundle Question

Mister Sir

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Since my old gaming console broke, I've decided to buy an XBox 360. I'm pretty stupid in the world of video gaming, so I asked my friends what different 360 Bundles I could get. I found out there were three: Arcade, Pro, and Elite. I know I'm going to buy either Pro or Elite. My question is: Do I choose the two games that go with the bundle I buy, or are the games already packaged in the bundle itself?

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Arcade is crappy little kid one

pro is normal

elite is almost double price, but double the hard drive...go with this one.


the two crappy games only come with the elite


nothing comes with pro


arcade is preset for certain games already on it....no other games work.

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Buy a PS3.


This is so true it isn't even funny.


I chose 360 because I already have a Blu-Ray Player and I love the trigger controls for the 360.


So 2 games only come with the Elite Bundle? I was leaning towards Pro because of the price, and the fact that I'm not going to be using up a lot of memory.


Thanks for the responses.

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Buy a PS3.


This is so true it isn't even funny.


I chose 360 because I already have a Blu-Ray Player and I love the trigger controls for the 360.


So 2 games only come with the Elite Bundle? I was leaning towards Pro because of the price' date=' and the fact that I'm not going to be using up a lot of memory.


Thanks for the responses.



That has to be the shittiest reasoning I have ever heard.


PS3 controls > 360 controls


Plus PS3 is getting 35 exclusives jabroni' not counting the ones already released. Unless your getting the 360 for pirating which is so totally understandable.

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Buy a PS3.


This is so true it isn't even funny.


I chose 360 because I already have a Blu-Ray Player and I love the trigger controls for the 360.


So 2 games only come with the Elite Bundle? I was leaning towards Pro because of the price' date=' and the fact that I'm not going to be using up a lot of memory.


Thanks for the responses.



That has to be the shittiest reasoning I have ever heard.


PS3 controls > 360 controls


Plus PS3 is getting 35 exclusives jabroni' not counting the ones already released. Unless your getting the 360 for pirating which is so totally understandable.


Good points. I have played on my friend's PS3 a lot, but something about the axis controls just throw me for a loop.


My main reasoning is that I love FPS, and from what I've gathered, XBox 360 is better for those games. If you can prove to me that FPS on PS3 is better than XBox 360, I'll gladly buy a PS3 instead.

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Buy a PS3.


This is so true it isn't even funny.


I chose 360 because I already have a Blu-Ray Player and I love the trigger controls for the 360.


So 2 games only come with the Elite Bundle? I was leaning towards Pro because of the price' date=' and the fact that I'm not going to be using up a lot of memory.


Thanks for the responses.



That has to be the shittiest reasoning I have ever heard.


PS3 controls > 360 controls


Plus PS3 is getting 35 exclusives jabroni' not counting the ones already released. Unless your getting the 360 for pirating which is so totally understandable.

thats really why most people buy the pros. the only diffrence between the elite and the pros are the memory and color.

the games with the elite are only there for a limited time and most arent good. i would prefer the pro.

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(Correct me if I'm wrong) But don't the elites have a more advanced cooling system?


My core and premium 360s glitched out a lot and eventually broke after being repaired several times.


I bought an elite at Costco for cheaper than I bought my premium back when they first came out and the difference is notable.


It's not as loud, and it never overheats. Plus, there's the 120GB hard drive and the free games. I think mine came with Forza 2 and Ultimate Alliance.


Anyway, I'd definitely recommend the elite to you.

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In regards to the PS3>360 posts. Since the posts were made before the rule was made, I'm not going to do anything about it fact that the new rule was broken.


However should the PS3>360 talk continue it will be counted as spam and get you a 20% warn. We get it you think PS3 is better then 360, just that doesn't help the thread and for all you know people might not be interested in the games on the PS3.

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