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chaos village

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18| Monsters


1| Chaos Sorcerer


3| Gravekeeper's Spy

1| Breaker the Magical Warrior

2| Summoner Monk

2| Gravekeeper's Guard

1| Sangan

2| Rescue Cat

3| x-saber

1| Sea Koala

2| Neo-spacian Dark Panther


19| Spells


2| Terraforming

3| Secret Village of the Spellcasters

2| Cold Wave ( normally its only use is first turn )

2| Allure of Darkness

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Brain Control

3| Creature Swap

2| Pot of Avarice

1| Magical Mallet


4| Traps


3| Threatening Roar

1| Crush Card Virus


15| Extra Deck


3| Arcanite Magician

12| Generic

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