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Well, wouldn't recommend if you are highly Christian or something, but I got the plot down:



It's the year 2665, and everyone is living a peaceful life. Until on New Year's Eve, everyone notices it's close to the 2nd year of the Devil. However, in 1666m, a great fire occurred in England. They however, saw it as a great one. But this time, with the technology there was, there might not even be something to call great. This wasn't the will of Satan however, it was the will of God. God has decided that it was time for anew of the world, and sent 7 of the highest and strongest of his Angels down the Earth, and on January 1st, 2666, they would cause a catastrophe. Thus, Satan has selected 7 other people from the human world, and gave them a certain power to stop the destruction of the world.



Note: I have no religion, so if anyone says I am a Satanic Fiend or something like that, they can expect a present.

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0.0 well im not Christian.... I am Catholic but what I do is between me and God! so lol what You have to pick to be one of the 7 Angels or the 7 Humans?


You can be both, but we need at most 7 Humans to start, cause if nobody joins, I will control the 7 Angels, till someone asks me to be an Angel.

However, I will not just accept anyone, because I want really good RPers.


EDIT: Catholic is a branch of Christianity -____-

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Namo' date=' you do know me and kev are giving you chances right?

Lucifer, the last time I discussed rp in a club. It got a warning.



What if we made a RP about the club?


-_- Oh come on with your chances whats the problem with discussing an RP that Lucifer made!? I'm not even the one who made it! Yell at him if its because of the ******* RP!


That isn't yelling.



Why yell at me' date=' how was I supposed to know?

And second, how does this club even get a warning about an RP they are discussing -___-



We're not going to yell at anyone because they didn't join or didn't know about the time the club got warning about it

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Too late. Things have changed.

One moment I have a "How many PM do you have" and its gets locked.

The next moment there are a bunch of people posting "How many PM do you have" thread.


In the past a club got a warning cause it was turning into a chat thread. Now all clubs are chat threads and they dont get warnings =/


Anywho, kev who won.

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