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Did 2 Duels against this kid named Tdong.


[spoiler=Duel Log 1]

(9:51:19 PM) Loging and saving to C:\Program Files\Yugioh Virtual Dueling\Logs\6-19-2009_21-46.ygoa

(9:51:19 PM) Connected!

Local- (9:51:19 PM) SirBigC94 shuffled the deck

(9:51:19 PM) Waiting for opponent...

Local- (9:51:19 PM) Handshake Accepted

Remote- hey, gl|$|12

Local- (9:51:32 PM) Same to you.

Remote- TDong has rolled a 1|$|15

(9:51:34 PM) TDong has rolled a 1

Local- (9:51:36 PM) SirBigC94 has rolled a 3

Remote- TDong shuffled the deck|$|18

(9:51:38 PM) TDong shuffled the deck

Remote- TDong shuffled the deck|$|20

(9:51:38 PM) TDong shuffled the deck

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|22

(9:51:39 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|24

(9:51:39 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|26

(9:51:39 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|28

(9:51:39 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|30

(9:51:40 PM) TDong drew a card

Local- (9:51:42 PM) SirBigC94 shuffled the deck

Local- (9:51:43 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (9:51:43 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (9:51:44 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (9:51:44 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (9:51:44 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (9:51:50 PM) You First.

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|39

(9:51:53 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down.|$|48

(9:52:08 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down.

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down.|$|57

(9:52:18 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down.

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.|$|67

(9:52:25 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|69

(9:52:27 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (9:52:29 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (9:52:36 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Wave-Motion Cannon' set='MFC'}

Local- (9:52:44 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (9:52:49 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Messenger of Peace' set='MRL'}

Local- (9:53:03 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (9:53:06 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (9:53:10 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Local- (9:53:11 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|98

(9:53:13 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong turned {card='Face Down Card' set='NA'} vertical|$|102

(9:53:30 PM) TDong turned {card='Face Down Card' set='NA'} vertical

Remote- TDong has flipped {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} over|$|108

(9:53:30 PM) TDong has flipped {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} over

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|113

(9:53:33 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- (9:53:39 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} over

Local- (9:53:44 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} into the graveyard

Local- (9:53:48 PM) SirBigC94 is looking at their deck

Local- (9:53:53 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'}

Local- (9:53:53 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} from their deck into play

Local- (9:53:58 PM) SirBigC94 is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done

Local- (9:53:58 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'}

Local- (9:53:58 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} from their deck into play

Local- (9:54:00 PM) SirBigC94 stopped looking at the Deck

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}|$|140

(9:54:09 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Shot' set='TAEV'}|$|149

(9:54:14 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Shot' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Shot' set='TAEV'}|$|158

(9:54:16 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Shot' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong is looking at their deck|$|164

(9:54:22 PM) TDong is looking at their deck

Remote- TDong is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done|$|168

(9:54:32 PM) TDong is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}|$|173

(9:54:33 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} from their deck into play|$|178

(9:54:33 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} from their deck into play

Remote- TDong is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done|$|193

(9:54:42 PM) TDong is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}|$|199

(9:54:49 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} from their deck into play|$|204

(9:54:49 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} from their deck into play

Remote- TDong stopped looking at the Deck|$|207

(9:54:50 PM) TDong stopped looking at the Deck

Remote- TDong shuffled their deck|$|209

(9:54:50 PM) TDong shuffled their deck

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|213

(9:54:52 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|219

(9:54:53 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- 2 counters per monster|$|224

Local- (9:55:14 PM) SirBigC94 has added a counter to {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'}

Local- (9:55:16 PM) SirBigC94 has added a counter to {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'}

Local- (9:55:18 PM) SirBigC94 has added a counter to {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'}

Local- (9:55:19 PM) SirBigC94 has added a counter to {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'}

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Shot' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|237

(9:55:21 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Shot' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Shot' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|243

(9:55:22 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Shot' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong activated the effect of {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}|$|248

(9:55:24 PM) TDong activated the effect of {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong activated the effect of {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'}|$|251

(9:55:26 PM) TDong activated the effect of {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'}

Remote- 1 more counter per monster|$|253

Local- (9:55:33 PM) SirBigC94 has added a counter to {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'}

Remote- TDong is looking at their graveyard|$|256

(9:55:39 PM) TDong is looking at their graveyard

Remote- TDong stopped looking at the Graveyard|$|260

(9:55:43 PM) TDong stopped looking at the Graveyard

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|267

(9:55:51 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (9:55:54 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- 9:55:17 PM) TDong`s LP is now 7500(-500|$|271

(9:55:54 PM) 9:55:17 PM) TDong`s LP is now 7500(-500

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 100 LP (7900 LP)

Local- (9:56:28 PM) SirBigC94 turned {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} horizontal

Local- (9:56:30 PM) SirBigC94 turned {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} horizontal

Local- (9:56:31 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|284

(9:56:33 PM) TDong drew a card


Remote- hm|$|291

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|295

(9:57:17 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (9:57:21 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 100 LP (7800 LP)

Local- (9:57:52 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|306

(9:57:57 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Swamp' set='TAEV'}|$|311

(9:58:06 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Swamp' set='TAEV'}

Remote- germs are destroyed|$|317

Local- (9:58:18 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} into the graveyard

Local- ) SirBigC94 returned {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} to their hand. (3 cards in their hand)

Local- (9:58:22 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} from their hand into the graveyard

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|324

(9:58:27 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|329

(9:58:33 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- (9:58:35 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Magic Cylinder' set='YSD'} over

Remote- 9:58:08 PM) TDong`s LP is now 6300(-1200|$|339

(9:58:46 PM) 9:58:08 PM) TDong`s LP is now 6300(-1200

Local- (9:58:57 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Magic Cylinder' set='YSD'} into the graveyard

Remote- u get 1000 damage?|$|346

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 1000 LP (6800 LP)

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|349

(9:59:11 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (9:59:12 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 100 LP (6700 LP)

Local- (10:00:31 PM) I'll discard Wave-Motion, and it's been 3 turns so yo look 3000 LP.

Remote- 9:59:59 PM) TDong`s LP is now 3300(-3000|$|362

(10:00:37 PM) 9:59:59 PM) TDong`s LP is now 3300(-3000

Local- (10:00:41 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Wave-Motion Cannon' set='MFC'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:00:45 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Just Desserts' set='SDK'} over

Remote- 10:00:16 PM) TDong`s LP is now 2300(-1000|$|370

(10:00:54 PM) 10:00:16 PM) TDong`s LP is now 2300(-1000

Local- (10:00:57 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Just Desserts' set='SDK'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:01:03 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (10:01:23 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (10:01:25 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|385

(10:01:27 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down.|$|394

(10:01:35 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down.

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|398

(10:01:39 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- (10:01:41 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Dimension Wall' set='CRV'} over

Remote- 10:01:18 PM) TDong`s LP is now 1300(-1000|$|409

(10:01:56 PM) 10:01:18 PM) TDong`s LP is now 1300(-1000

Local- (10:02:00 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Dimension Wall' set='CRV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|414

(10:02:03 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 1000 LP (5700 LP)

Local- (10:02:30 PM) Wait, you did attack with your other one right?

Remote- yeah sure|$|419

Local- (10:02:48 PM) Nevermind, you didn't.

Local- ) SirBigC94 gains 1000 LP (6700 LP)

Local- (10:03:08 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- lol, k|$|428

Local- (10:03:12 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Local- (10:03:16 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 100 LP (6600 LP)

Local- (10:03:28 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|443

(10:03:30 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.|$|461

(10:03:51 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} is attacking Face Down Card|$|464

(10:03:54 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} is attacking Face Down Card

Local- (10:03:58 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Blast Sphere' set='JUMP'} over

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|474

(10:04:14 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 1000 LP (5600 LP)

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|485

(10:04:50 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (10:04:52 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:04:56 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 100 LP (5500 LP)

Local- (10:05:11 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- 10:04:35 PM) TDong`s LP is now 100(-1200|$|498

(10:05:13 PM) 10:04:35 PM) TDong`s LP is now 100(-1200

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|499

(10:05:14 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|503

(10:05:15 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:05:17 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Blast Sphere' set='JUMP'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong has flipped {card='Snake Whistle' set='TAEV'} over|$|513

(10:05:20 PM) TDong has flipped {card='Snake Whistle' set='TAEV'} over

Remote- TDong is looking at their deck|$|517

(10:05:25 PM) TDong is looking at their deck

Remote- TDong is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done|$|521

(10:05:35 PM) TDong is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'}|$|526

(10:05:36 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} from their deck into play|$|531

(10:05:36 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} from their deck into play

Remote- TDong stopped looking at the Deck|$|534

(10:05:37 PM) TDong stopped looking at the Deck

Remote- TDong shuffled their deck|$|536

(10:05:37 PM) TDong shuffled their deck

Remote- TDong put {card='Snake Whistle' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|540

(10:05:43 PM) TDong put {card='Snake Whistle' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down.|$|551

(10:05:50 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down.

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|556

(10:05:59 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- (10:06:03 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Threatening Roar' set='FET'} over

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|565

(10:06:09 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (10:06:10 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Threatening Roar' set='FET'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:06:12 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:06:15 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 100 LP (5400 LP)

Local- (10:06:22 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|576

(10:06:24 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down.|$|585

(10:06:29 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down.

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|591

(10:06:38 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (10:06:41 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- TDong has flipped {card='Offering to the Snake Deity' set='PTDN'} over|$|603

(10:06:48 PM) TDong has flipped {card='Offering to the Snake Deity' set='PTDN'} over

Remote- monster and|$|607

Local- (10:06:59 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Messenger of Peace' set='MRL'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:07:01 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Morphing Jar' set='DB2'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|617

(10:07:02 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong put {card='Offering to the Snake Deity' set='PTDN'} into the graveyard|$|623

(10:07:04 PM) TDong put {card='Offering to the Snake Deity' set='PTDN'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:07:07 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (10:07:09 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|633

(10:07:12 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down.|$|642

(10:07:16 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (10:07:25 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Messenger of Peace' set='MRL'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|650

(10:07:28 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 1000 LP (4400 LP)

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 100 LP (4300 LP)

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 100 LP (4200 LP)

Remote- TDong is looking at their graveyard|$|655

(10:07:39 PM) TDong is looking at their graveyard

Remote- TDong stopped looking at the Graveyard|$|664

(10:07:45 PM) TDong stopped looking at the Graveyard

Remote- TDong has entered their Main 2 Phase|$|666

(10:07:51 PM) TDong has entered their Main 2 Phase

Remote- TDong put {card='Necro Gardna' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|671

(10:07:54 PM) TDong put {card='Necro Gardna' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|677

(10:07:55 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes' set='TAEV'}|$|684

(10:07:58 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes' set='TAEV'}

Remote- 10:07:27 PM) TDong has changed the stats of Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes to 3500/0 (Click the name to see changes|$|690

(10:08:05 PM) 10:07:27 PM) TDong has changed the stats of Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes to 3500/0 (Click the name to see changes

Remote- TDong is looking at their graveyard|$|692

(10:08:07 PM) TDong is looking at their graveyard

Remote- TDong stopped looking at the Graveyard|$|695

(10:08:15 PM) TDong stopped looking at the Graveyard

Remote- 10:07:42 PM) TDong has changed the stats of Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes to 3000/0 (Click the name to see changes|$|697

(10:08:20 PM) 10:07:42 PM) TDong has changed the stats of Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes to 3000/0 (Click the name to see changes

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|703

(10:08:28 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (10:08:29 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:08:33 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (10:08:36 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|714

(10:08:38 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong`s {card='Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|718

(10:08:43 PM) TDong`s {card='Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- (10:08:46 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Dimension Wall' set='CRV'} over

Remote- gg|$|727

Local- (10:08:56 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Dimension Wall' set='CRV'} into the graveyard




[spoiler=Duel Log 2]

Remote- TDong has shuffled their deck|$|31

(10:09:11 PM) TDong has shuffled their deck

Remote- 10:08:32 PM) TDong loaded their deck (40 in Deck, 6 in extra|$|33

(10:09:11 PM) 10:08:32 PM) TDong loaded their deck (40 in Deck, 6 in extra

Remote- TDong shuffled the deck|$|34

(10:09:12 PM) TDong shuffled the deck

Remote- TDong shuffled the deck|$|36

(10:09:12 PM) TDong shuffled the deck

Local- ) SirBigC94 is now at 8000 LP)

Local- (10:09:15 PM) SirBigC94`s Game was Soft Reset!

Local- (10:09:15 PM) SirBigC94 has shuffled their deck

Local- ) SirBigC94 loaded their deck (41 in Deck, 0 in extra)

Remote- TDong shuffled the deck|$|40

(10:09:20 PM) TDong shuffled the deck

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|42

(10:09:20 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|44

(10:09:20 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|46

(10:09:20 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|48

(10:09:21 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|50

(10:09:21 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|52

(10:09:27 PM) TDong drew a card

Local- (10:09:29 PM) SirBigC94 shuffled the deck

Local- (10:09:30 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:09:30 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:09:30 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:09:30 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:09:31 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Swamp' set='TAEV'}|$|63

(10:09:43 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Swamp' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.|$|77

(10:09:51 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|79

(10:09:55 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (10:09:58 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Tremendous Fire' set='MRD'}

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 500 LP (7500 LP)

Remote- 10:09:28 PM) TDong`s LP is now 7000(-1000|$|86

(10:10:06 PM) 10:09:28 PM) TDong`s LP is now 7000(-1000

Local- (10:10:06 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Tremendous Fire' set='MRD'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:10:10 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Wave-Motion Cannon' set='MFC'}

Local- (10:10:16 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Local- (10:10:23 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (10:10:23 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|100

(10:10:25 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.|$|110

(10:10:31 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Remote- TDong turned {card='Face Down Card' set='NA'} vertical|$|113

(10:10:33 PM) TDong turned {card='Face Down Card' set='NA'} vertical

Remote- TDong has flipped {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} over|$|119

(10:10:33 PM) TDong has flipped {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} over

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking Face Down Card|$|124

(10:10:35 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking Face Down Card

Local- (10:10:41 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Des Koala' set='MFC'} over

Remote- 10:10:11 PM) TDong`s LP is now 5400(-1600|$|131

(10:10:49 PM) 10:10:11 PM) TDong`s LP is now 5400(-1600

Remote- TDong activated the effect of {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}|$|133

(10:10:53 PM) TDong activated the effect of {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}

Local- (10:10:57 PM) SirBigC94 has added a counter to {card='Des Koala' set='MFC'}

Remote- TDong has entered their End Phase|$|139

(10:11:05 PM) TDong has entered their End Phase

Remote- TDong activated the effect of {card='Venom Swamp' set='TAEV'}|$|143

(10:11:08 PM) TDong activated the effect of {card='Venom Swamp' set='TAEV'}

Remote- 1 more counter please.|$|145

Local- (10:11:39 PM) SirBigC94 has added a counter to {card='Des Koala' set='MFC'}

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|148

(10:11:41 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (10:11:46 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:11:49 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Tremendous Fire' set='MRD'}

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 500 LP (7000 LP)

Remote- 10:11:17 PM) TDong`s LP is now 4400(-1000|$|156

(10:11:55 PM) 10:11:17 PM) TDong`s LP is now 4400(-1000

Local- (10:11:56 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Tremendous Fire' set='MRD'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:12:00 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Local- (10:12:21 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Secret Barrel' set='MFC'} over

Remote- 10:11:52 PM) TDong`s LP is now 3000(-1400|$|168

(10:12:30 PM) 10:11:52 PM) TDong`s LP is now 3000(-1400

Local- (10:12:32 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Secret Barrel' set='MFC'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:12:36 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|172

(10:12:39 PM) TDong drew a card

Local- (10:12:41 PM) SirBigC94 has added a counter to {card='Des Koala' set='MFC'}

Remote- destroyed.|$|175

Local- (10:12:52 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Des Koala' set='MFC'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|185

(10:13:12 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- (10:13:16 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Morphing Jar' set='DB2'} over

Local- (10:13:23 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Morphing Jar' set='DB2'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong discarded their hand.|$|195

(10:13:29 PM) TDong discarded their hand.

Local- (10:13:32 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:13:32 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|198

(10:13:32 PM) TDong drew a card

Local- (10:13:32 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|201

(10:13:32 PM) TDong drew a card

Local- (10:13:33 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|204

(10:13:33 PM) TDong drew a card

Local- (10:13:33 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|207

(10:13:33 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|210

(10:13:34 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down.|$|220

(10:13:48 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down.

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'}|$|225

(10:13:53 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|231

(10:13:54 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (10:13:57 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:14:03 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (10:14:15 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (10:14:23 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Lightning Vortex' set='YSDS'}

Local- (10:14:30 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Messenger of Peace' set='MRL'} from their hand into the graveyard

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|251

(10:14:33 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|257

(10:14:34 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:14:35 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Lightning Vortex' set='YSDS'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong has flipped {card='Snake Whistle' set='TAEV'} over|$|267

(10:14:36 PM) TDong has flipped {card='Snake Whistle' set='TAEV'} over

Remote- TDong is looking at their deck|$|271

(10:14:39 PM) TDong is looking at their deck

Remote- TDong is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done|$|274

(10:14:49 PM) TDong is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'}|$|280

(10:14:52 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} from their deck into play|$|285

(10:14:53 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} from their deck into play

Remote- TDong stopped looking at the Deck|$|288

(10:14:54 PM) TDong stopped looking at the Deck

Remote- TDong shuffled their deck|$|290

(10:14:54 PM) TDong shuffled their deck

Remote- TDong put {card='Snake Whistle' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|294

(10:14:55 PM) TDong put {card='Snake Whistle' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong is looking at their graveyard|$|299

(10:15:02 PM) TDong is looking at their graveyard

Local- (10:15:03 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Poison of the Old Man' set='MFC'}

Remote- TDong stopped looking at the Graveyard|$|303

(10:15:07 PM) TDong stopped looking at the Graveyard

Remote- damage?|$|305

Local- (10:15:14 PM) Inflict 800.

Remote- 10:14:40 PM) TDong`s LP is now 2200(-800|$|309

(10:15:18 PM) 10:14:40 PM) TDong`s LP is now 2200(-800

Local- (10:15:19 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Poison of the Old Man' set='MFC'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:15:25 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Local- (10:15:37 PM) I'll discard Wave Motion

Remote- k|$|318

Remote- 2000?|$|320

Local- (10:16:08 PM) Not sure, hold on.

Local- (10:16:55 PM) I believe this turn makes it 3.

Remote- k|$|324

Remote- gg|$|326

Local- (10:17:26 PM) Gonna go, good game.

Remote- k|$|329

Remote- cya|$|331

Local- (10:17:39 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Wave-Motion Cannon' set='MFC'} into the graveyard






First Duel:


LP Before Win:


Me - 4200


Him - 100


Winner: Me


Second Duel:


LP Before Win:


Me - 7000


Him - 2200


Winner: Me

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I lost to KEv

Final score:

Kev: 3600

Tallman: 0


He attacked with Dark Armed Dragon. I almost had him too. I summoned FHD and him with is stupid Soloem(sp) Judgement. RAEG


I love my traps =D

You almost got me' date=' and that is a good beginner deck

But yet again, My DAD beat yet another kid up =D


Did 2 Duels against this kid named Tdong.


[spoiler=Duel Log 1]

(9:51:19 PM) Loging and saving to C:\Program Files\Yugioh Virtual Dueling\Logs\6-19-2009_21-46.ygoa

(9:51:19 PM) Connected!

Local- (9:51:19 PM) SirBigC94 shuffled the deck

(9:51:19 PM) Waiting for opponent...

Local- (9:51:19 PM) Handshake Accepted

Remote- hey, gl|$|12

Local- (9:51:32 PM) Same to you.

Remote- TDong has rolled a 1|$|15

(9:51:34 PM) TDong has rolled a 1

Local- (9:51:36 PM) SirBigC94 has rolled a 3

Remote- TDong shuffled the deck|$|18

(9:51:38 PM) TDong shuffled the deck

Remote- TDong shuffled the deck|$|20

(9:51:38 PM) TDong shuffled the deck

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|22

(9:51:39 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|24

(9:51:39 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|26

(9:51:39 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|28

(9:51:39 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|30

(9:51:40 PM) TDong drew a card

Local- (9:51:42 PM) SirBigC94 shuffled the deck

Local- (9:51:43 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (9:51:43 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (9:51:44 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (9:51:44 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (9:51:44 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (9:51:50 PM) You First.

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|39

(9:51:53 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down.|$|48

(9:52:08 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down.

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down.|$|57

(9:52:18 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down.

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.|$|67

(9:52:25 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|69

(9:52:27 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (9:52:29 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (9:52:36 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Wave-Motion Cannon' set='MFC'}

Local- (9:52:44 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (9:52:49 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Messenger of Peace' set='MRL'}

Local- (9:53:03 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (9:53:06 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (9:53:10 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Local- (9:53:11 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|98

(9:53:13 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong turned {card='Face Down Card' set='NA'} vertical|$|102

(9:53:30 PM) TDong turned {card='Face Down Card' set='NA'} vertical

Remote- TDong has flipped {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} over|$|108

(9:53:30 PM) TDong has flipped {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} over

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|113

(9:53:33 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- (9:53:39 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} over

Local- (9:53:44 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} into the graveyard

Local- (9:53:48 PM) SirBigC94 is looking at their deck

Local- (9:53:53 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'}

Local- (9:53:53 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} from their deck into play

Local- (9:53:58 PM) SirBigC94 is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done

Local- (9:53:58 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'}

Local- (9:53:58 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} from their deck into play

Local- (9:54:00 PM) SirBigC94 stopped looking at the Deck

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}|$|140

(9:54:09 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Shot' set='TAEV'}|$|149

(9:54:14 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Shot' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Shot' set='TAEV'}|$|158

(9:54:16 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Shot' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong is looking at their deck|$|164

(9:54:22 PM) TDong is looking at their deck

Remote- TDong is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done|$|168

(9:54:32 PM) TDong is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}|$|173

(9:54:33 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} from their deck into play|$|178

(9:54:33 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} from their deck into play

Remote- TDong is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done|$|193

(9:54:42 PM) TDong is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}|$|199

(9:54:49 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} from their deck into play|$|204

(9:54:49 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} from their deck into play

Remote- TDong stopped looking at the Deck|$|207

(9:54:50 PM) TDong stopped looking at the Deck

Remote- TDong shuffled their deck|$|209

(9:54:50 PM) TDong shuffled their deck

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|213

(9:54:52 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|219

(9:54:53 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- 2 counters per monster|$|224

Local- (9:55:14 PM) SirBigC94 has added a counter to {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'}

Local- (9:55:16 PM) SirBigC94 has added a counter to {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'}

Local- (9:55:18 PM) SirBigC94 has added a counter to {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'}

Local- (9:55:19 PM) SirBigC94 has added a counter to {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'}

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Shot' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|237

(9:55:21 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Shot' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Shot' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|243

(9:55:22 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Shot' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong activated the effect of {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}|$|248

(9:55:24 PM) TDong activated the effect of {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong activated the effect of {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'}|$|251

(9:55:26 PM) TDong activated the effect of {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'}

Remote- 1 more counter per monster|$|253

Local- (9:55:33 PM) SirBigC94 has added a counter to {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'}

Remote- TDong is looking at their graveyard|$|256

(9:55:39 PM) TDong is looking at their graveyard

Remote- TDong stopped looking at the Graveyard|$|260

(9:55:43 PM) TDong stopped looking at the Graveyard

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|267

(9:55:51 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (9:55:54 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- 9:55:17 PM) TDong`s LP is now 7500(-500|$|271

(9:55:54 PM) 9:55:17 PM) TDong`s LP is now 7500(-500

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 100 LP (7900 LP)

Local- (9:56:28 PM) SirBigC94 turned {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} horizontal

Local- (9:56:30 PM) SirBigC94 turned {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} horizontal

Local- (9:56:31 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|284

(9:56:33 PM) TDong drew a card


Remote- hm|$|291

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|295

(9:57:17 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (9:57:21 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 100 LP (7800 LP)

Local- (9:57:52 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|306

(9:57:57 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Swamp' set='TAEV'}|$|311

(9:58:06 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Swamp' set='TAEV'}

Remote- germs are destroyed|$|317

Local- (9:58:18 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} into the graveyard

Local- ) SirBigC94 returned {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} to their hand. (3 cards in their hand)

Local- (9:58:22 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} from their hand into the graveyard

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|324

(9:58:27 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|329

(9:58:33 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- (9:58:35 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Magic Cylinder' set='YSD'} over

Remote- 9:58:08 PM) TDong`s LP is now 6300(-1200|$|339

(9:58:46 PM) 9:58:08 PM) TDong`s LP is now 6300(-1200

Local- (9:58:57 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Magic Cylinder' set='YSD'} into the graveyard

Remote- u get 1000 damage?|$|346

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 1000 LP (6800 LP)

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|349

(9:59:11 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (9:59:12 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 100 LP (6700 LP)

Local- (10:00:31 PM) I'll discard Wave-Motion, and it's been 3 turns so yo look 3000 LP.

Remote- 9:59:59 PM) TDong`s LP is now 3300(-3000|$|362

(10:00:37 PM) 9:59:59 PM) TDong`s LP is now 3300(-3000

Local- (10:00:41 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Wave-Motion Cannon' set='MFC'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:00:45 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Just Desserts' set='SDK'} over

Remote- 10:00:16 PM) TDong`s LP is now 2300(-1000|$|370

(10:00:54 PM) 10:00:16 PM) TDong`s LP is now 2300(-1000

Local- (10:00:57 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Just Desserts' set='SDK'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:01:03 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (10:01:23 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (10:01:25 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|385

(10:01:27 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down.|$|394

(10:01:35 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down.

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|398

(10:01:39 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- (10:01:41 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Dimension Wall' set='CRV'} over

Remote- 10:01:18 PM) TDong`s LP is now 1300(-1000|$|409

(10:01:56 PM) 10:01:18 PM) TDong`s LP is now 1300(-1000

Local- (10:02:00 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Dimension Wall' set='CRV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|414

(10:02:03 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 1000 LP (5700 LP)

Local- (10:02:30 PM) Wait, you did attack with your other one right?

Remote- yeah sure|$|419

Local- (10:02:48 PM) Nevermind, you didn't.

Local- ) SirBigC94 gains 1000 LP (6700 LP)

Local- (10:03:08 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- lol, k|$|428

Local- (10:03:12 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Local- (10:03:16 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 100 LP (6600 LP)

Local- (10:03:28 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|443

(10:03:30 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.|$|461

(10:03:51 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} is attacking Face Down Card|$|464

(10:03:54 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} is attacking Face Down Card

Local- (10:03:58 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Blast Sphere' set='JUMP'} over

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|474

(10:04:14 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 1000 LP (5600 LP)

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|485

(10:04:50 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (10:04:52 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:04:56 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 100 LP (5500 LP)

Local- (10:05:11 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- 10:04:35 PM) TDong`s LP is now 100(-1200|$|498

(10:05:13 PM) 10:04:35 PM) TDong`s LP is now 100(-1200

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|499

(10:05:14 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|503

(10:05:15 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:05:17 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Blast Sphere' set='JUMP'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong has flipped {card='Snake Whistle' set='TAEV'} over|$|513

(10:05:20 PM) TDong has flipped {card='Snake Whistle' set='TAEV'} over

Remote- TDong is looking at their deck|$|517

(10:05:25 PM) TDong is looking at their deck

Remote- TDong is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done|$|521

(10:05:35 PM) TDong is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'}|$|526

(10:05:36 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} from their deck into play|$|531

(10:05:36 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} from their deck into play

Remote- TDong stopped looking at the Deck|$|534

(10:05:37 PM) TDong stopped looking at the Deck

Remote- TDong shuffled their deck|$|536

(10:05:37 PM) TDong shuffled their deck

Remote- TDong put {card='Snake Whistle' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|540

(10:05:43 PM) TDong put {card='Snake Whistle' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down.|$|551

(10:05:50 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down.

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|556

(10:05:59 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- (10:06:03 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Threatening Roar' set='FET'} over

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|565

(10:06:09 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (10:06:10 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Threatening Roar' set='FET'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:06:12 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:06:15 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 100 LP (5400 LP)

Local- (10:06:22 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|576

(10:06:24 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down.|$|585

(10:06:29 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down.

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|591

(10:06:38 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (10:06:41 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- TDong has flipped {card='Offering to the Snake Deity' set='PTDN'} over|$|603

(10:06:48 PM) TDong has flipped {card='Offering to the Snake Deity' set='PTDN'} over

Remote- monster and|$|607

Local- (10:06:59 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Messenger of Peace' set='MRL'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:07:01 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Morphing Jar' set='DB2'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|617

(10:07:02 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong put {card='Offering to the Snake Deity' set='PTDN'} into the graveyard|$|623

(10:07:04 PM) TDong put {card='Offering to the Snake Deity' set='PTDN'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:07:07 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (10:07:09 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|633

(10:07:12 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down.|$|642

(10:07:16 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (10:07:25 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Messenger of Peace' set='MRL'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|650

(10:07:28 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 1000 LP (4400 LP)

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 100 LP (4300 LP)

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 100 LP (4200 LP)

Remote- TDong is looking at their graveyard|$|655

(10:07:39 PM) TDong is looking at their graveyard

Remote- TDong stopped looking at the Graveyard|$|664

(10:07:45 PM) TDong stopped looking at the Graveyard

Remote- TDong has entered their Main 2 Phase|$|666

(10:07:51 PM) TDong has entered their Main 2 Phase

Remote- TDong put {card='Necro Gardna' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|671

(10:07:54 PM) TDong put {card='Necro Gardna' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|677

(10:07:55 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes' set='TAEV'}|$|684

(10:07:58 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes' set='TAEV'}

Remote- 10:07:27 PM) TDong has changed the stats of Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes to 3500/0 (Click the name to see changes|$|690

(10:08:05 PM) 10:07:27 PM) TDong has changed the stats of Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes to 3500/0 (Click the name to see changes

Remote- TDong is looking at their graveyard|$|692

(10:08:07 PM) TDong is looking at their graveyard

Remote- TDong stopped looking at the Graveyard|$|695

(10:08:15 PM) TDong stopped looking at the Graveyard

Remote- 10:07:42 PM) TDong has changed the stats of Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes to 3000/0 (Click the name to see changes|$|697

(10:08:20 PM) 10:07:42 PM) TDong has changed the stats of Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes to 3000/0 (Click the name to see changes

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|703

(10:08:28 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (10:08:29 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:08:33 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (10:08:36 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|714

(10:08:38 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong`s {card='Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|718

(10:08:43 PM) TDong`s {card='Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- (10:08:46 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Dimension Wall' set='CRV'} over

Remote- gg|$|727

Local- (10:08:56 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Dimension Wall' set='CRV'} into the graveyard




[spoiler=Duel Log 2]

Remote- TDong has shuffled their deck|$|31

(10:09:11 PM) TDong has shuffled their deck

Remote- 10:08:32 PM) TDong loaded their deck (40 in Deck, 6 in extra|$|33

(10:09:11 PM) 10:08:32 PM) TDong loaded their deck (40 in Deck, 6 in extra

Remote- TDong shuffled the deck|$|34

(10:09:12 PM) TDong shuffled the deck

Remote- TDong shuffled the deck|$|36

(10:09:12 PM) TDong shuffled the deck

Local- ) SirBigC94 is now at 8000 LP)

Local- (10:09:15 PM) SirBigC94`s Game was Soft Reset!

Local- (10:09:15 PM) SirBigC94 has shuffled their deck

Local- ) SirBigC94 loaded their deck (41 in Deck, 0 in extra)

Remote- TDong shuffled the deck|$|40

(10:09:20 PM) TDong shuffled the deck

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|42

(10:09:20 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|44

(10:09:20 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|46

(10:09:20 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|48

(10:09:21 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|50

(10:09:21 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|52

(10:09:27 PM) TDong drew a card

Local- (10:09:29 PM) SirBigC94 shuffled the deck

Local- (10:09:30 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:09:30 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:09:30 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:09:30 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:09:31 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Swamp' set='TAEV'}|$|63

(10:09:43 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Swamp' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.|$|77

(10:09:51 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|79

(10:09:55 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (10:09:58 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Tremendous Fire' set='MRD'}

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 500 LP (7500 LP)

Remote- 10:09:28 PM) TDong`s LP is now 7000(-1000|$|86

(10:10:06 PM) 10:09:28 PM) TDong`s LP is now 7000(-1000

Local- (10:10:06 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Tremendous Fire' set='MRD'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:10:10 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Wave-Motion Cannon' set='MFC'}

Local- (10:10:16 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Local- (10:10:23 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (10:10:23 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|100

(10:10:25 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.|$|110

(10:10:31 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Remote- TDong turned {card='Face Down Card' set='NA'} vertical|$|113

(10:10:33 PM) TDong turned {card='Face Down Card' set='NA'} vertical

Remote- TDong has flipped {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} over|$|119

(10:10:33 PM) TDong has flipped {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} over

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking Face Down Card|$|124

(10:10:35 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking Face Down Card

Local- (10:10:41 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Des Koala' set='MFC'} over

Remote- 10:10:11 PM) TDong`s LP is now 5400(-1600|$|131

(10:10:49 PM) 10:10:11 PM) TDong`s LP is now 5400(-1600

Remote- TDong activated the effect of {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}|$|133

(10:10:53 PM) TDong activated the effect of {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'}

Local- (10:10:57 PM) SirBigC94 has added a counter to {card='Des Koala' set='MFC'}

Remote- TDong has entered their End Phase|$|139

(10:11:05 PM) TDong has entered their End Phase

Remote- TDong activated the effect of {card='Venom Swamp' set='TAEV'}|$|143

(10:11:08 PM) TDong activated the effect of {card='Venom Swamp' set='TAEV'}

Remote- 1 more counter please.|$|145

Local- (10:11:39 PM) SirBigC94 has added a counter to {card='Des Koala' set='MFC'}

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|148

(10:11:41 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (10:11:46 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:11:49 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Tremendous Fire' set='MRD'}

Local- ) SirBigC94 loses 500 LP (7000 LP)

Remote- 10:11:17 PM) TDong`s LP is now 4400(-1000|$|156

(10:11:55 PM) 10:11:17 PM) TDong`s LP is now 4400(-1000

Local- (10:11:56 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Tremendous Fire' set='MRD'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:12:00 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Local- (10:12:21 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Secret Barrel' set='MFC'} over

Remote- 10:11:52 PM) TDong`s LP is now 3000(-1400|$|168

(10:12:30 PM) 10:11:52 PM) TDong`s LP is now 3000(-1400

Local- (10:12:32 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Secret Barrel' set='MFC'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:12:36 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|172

(10:12:39 PM) TDong drew a card

Local- (10:12:41 PM) SirBigC94 has added a counter to {card='Des Koala' set='MFC'}

Remote- destroyed.|$|175

Local- (10:12:52 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Des Koala' set='MFC'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|185

(10:13:12 PM) TDong`s {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- (10:13:16 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Morphing Jar' set='DB2'} over

Local- (10:13:23 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Morphing Jar' set='DB2'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong discarded their hand.|$|195

(10:13:29 PM) TDong discarded their hand.

Local- (10:13:32 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:13:32 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|198

(10:13:32 PM) TDong drew a card

Local- (10:13:32 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|201

(10:13:32 PM) TDong drew a card

Local- (10:13:33 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|204

(10:13:33 PM) TDong drew a card

Local- (10:13:33 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|207

(10:13:33 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong drew a card|$|210

(10:13:34 PM) TDong drew a card

Remote- TDong placed a card from their hand face down.|$|220

(10:13:48 PM) TDong placed a card from their hand face down.

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'}|$|225

(10:13:53 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong is done with their turn|$|231

(10:13:54 PM) TDong is done with their turn

Local- (10:13:57 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (10:14:03 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (10:14:15 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (10:14:23 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Lightning Vortex' set='YSDS'}

Local- (10:14:30 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Messenger of Peace' set='MRL'} from their hand into the graveyard

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|251

(10:14:33 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|257

(10:14:34 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Serpent' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:14:35 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Lightning Vortex' set='YSDS'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong has flipped {card='Snake Whistle' set='TAEV'} over|$|267

(10:14:36 PM) TDong has flipped {card='Snake Whistle' set='TAEV'} over

Remote- TDong is looking at their deck|$|271

(10:14:39 PM) TDong is looking at their deck

Remote- TDong is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done|$|274

(10:14:49 PM) TDong is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done

Remote- TDong has put down a {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'}|$|280

(10:14:52 PM) TDong has put down a {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'}

Remote- TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} from their deck into play|$|285

(10:14:53 PM) TDong put {card='Venom Snake' set='TAEV'} from their deck into play

Remote- TDong stopped looking at the Deck|$|288

(10:14:54 PM) TDong stopped looking at the Deck

Remote- TDong shuffled their deck|$|290

(10:14:54 PM) TDong shuffled their deck

Remote- TDong put {card='Snake Whistle' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard|$|294

(10:14:55 PM) TDong put {card='Snake Whistle' set='TAEV'} into the graveyard

Remote- TDong is looking at their graveyard|$|299

(10:15:02 PM) TDong is looking at their graveyard

Local- (10:15:03 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Poison of the Old Man' set='MFC'}

Remote- TDong stopped looking at the Graveyard|$|303

(10:15:07 PM) TDong stopped looking at the Graveyard

Remote- damage?|$|305

Local- (10:15:14 PM) Inflict 800.

Remote- 10:14:40 PM) TDong`s LP is now 2200(-800|$|309

(10:15:18 PM) 10:14:40 PM) TDong`s LP is now 2200(-800

Local- (10:15:19 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Poison of the Old Man' set='MFC'} into the graveyard

Local- (10:15:25 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Local- (10:15:37 PM) I'll discard Wave Motion

Remote- k|$|318

Remote- 2000?|$|320

Local- (10:16:08 PM) Not sure, hold on.

Local- (10:16:55 PM) I believe this turn makes it 3.

Remote- k|$|324

Remote- gg|$|326

Local- (10:17:26 PM) Gonna go, good game.

Remote- k|$|329

Remote- cya|$|331

Local- (10:17:39 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Wave-Motion Cannon' set='MFC'} into the graveyard






First Duel:


LP Before Win:


Me - 4200


Him - 100


Winner: Me


Second Duel:


LP Before Win:


Me - 7000


Him - 2200


Winner: Me



You must be good =P


You, me, now.

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I'll Host, Mine is SirBigC94.




Dueled against CrazyKev:


LP Before Loss:


Me - 1100


CrazyKev - 2800


Winner: CrazyKev


[spoiler=Duel Log]

(11:11:13 PM) Loging and saving to 6-19-2009_23-9.ygoa

(11:11:14 PM) Connected!

Local- (11:11:14 PM) SirBigC94 shuffled the deck

(11:11:14 PM) Waiting for opponent...

(11:11:34 PM) Your Opponent is Crazykev

Remote- Crazykev shuffled the deck|$|4

(11:11:34 PM) Crazykev shuffled the deck

Remote- Handshake Accepted|$|8

(11:11:34 PM) Handshake Accepted

(11:11:34 PM) Your Opponent is Crazykev

Remote- Hello|$|1

Local- (11:11:51 PM) Hey.

Local- (11:11:57 PM) SirBigC94 shuffled the deck

Remote- Crazykev shuffled the deck|$|5

(11:12:07 PM) Crazykev shuffled the deck

Local- (11:12:08 PM) Good Luck.

Remote- You too|$|8

Local- (11:12:14 PM) SirBigC94 has rolled a 6

Remote- Crazykev has rolled a 6|$|11

(11:12:22 PM) Crazykev has rolled a 6

Local- (11:12:25 PM) SirBigC94 has rolled a 3

Remote- Crazykev has rolled a 6|$|14

(11:12:28 PM) Crazykev has rolled a 6

Local- (11:12:32 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:12:32 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:12:32 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:12:33 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:12:33 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- You first?|$|21

Local- (11:13:10 PM) You get to choose. Me or you first?

Remote- You first|$|24

Local- (11:13:29 PM) K.

Local- (11:13:35 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (11:13:39 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Poison of the Old Man' set='MFC'}

Local- (11:13:45 PM) Inflict 800.

Local- (11:13:49 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Poison of the Old Man' set='MFC'} into the graveyard

Remote- ) Crazykev loses 800 LP (7200 LP)|$|37

(11:13:50 PM) ) Crazykev loses 800 LP (7200 LP)

Local- (11:13:52 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Tremendous Fire' set='MRD'}

Local- 11:13:54 PM) SirBigC94 loses 500 LP (7500 LP

Remote- ) Crazykev loses 1000 LP (6200 LP)|$|42

(11:14:01 PM) ) Crazykev loses 1000 LP (6200 LP)

Local- (11:14:02 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Tremendous Fire' set='MRD'} into the graveyard

Local- (11:14:06 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (11:14:10 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Draw Phase|$|50

(11:14:15 PM) Crazykev has entered their Draw Phase

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|53

(11:14:16 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|55

(11:14:16 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|57

(11:14:17 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|59

(11:14:18 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|61

(11:14:19 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|63

(11:14:21 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Standby Phase|$|65

(11:14:22 PM) Crazykev has entered their Standby Phase

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Main 1 Phase|$|68

(11:14:23 PM) Crazykev has entered their Main 1 Phase

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn' set='CRMS'}|$|74

(11:14:25 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn' set='CRMS'}

Remote- ) Crazykev returned {card='Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn' set='CRMS'} to their hand. (6 cards in their hand)|$|80

(11:14:29 PM) ) Crazykev returned {card='Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn' set='CRMS'} to their hand. (6 cards in their hand)

Remote- Didn't mean to do that|$|83

Local- (11:14:40 PM) Np.

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'}|$|89

(11:14:52 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'}

Remote- Crazykev is done with their turn|$|96

(11:15:13 PM) Crazykev is done with their turn

Local- (11:15:18 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:15:32 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (11:15:39 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Draw Phase|$|105

(11:15:42 PM) Crazykev has entered their Draw Phase

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|108

(11:15:43 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Black Whirlwind' set='RGBT'}|$|113

(11:16:05 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Black Whirlwind' set='RGBT'}

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'}|$|123

(11:16:25 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'}

Remote- Crazykev activated the effect of {card='Black Whirlwind' set='RGBT'}|$|130

(11:16:27 PM) Crazykev activated the effect of {card='Black Whirlwind' set='RGBT'}

Remote- Crazykev is looking at their deck|$|132

(11:16:32 PM) Crazykev is looking at their deck

Remote- Crazykev is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done|$|138

(11:16:42 PM) Crazykev is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done

Remote- Crazykev is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done|$|141

(11:16:52 PM) Crazykev is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'}|$|146

(11:16:53 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'}

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'} from their deck into play|$|151

(11:16:53 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'} from their deck into play

Remote- Crazykev stopped looking at the Deck|$|154

(11:16:56 PM) Crazykev stopped looking at the Deck

Remote- ) Crazykev returned {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'} to their hand. (5 cards in their hand)|$|158

(11:17:01 PM) ) Crazykev returned {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'} to their hand. (5 cards in their hand)

Remote- Didn't mean to summon >_<|$|162

Local- (11:17:13 PM) lol

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Main 1 Phase|$|168

(11:17:17 PM) Crazykev has entered their Main 1 Phase

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Attack Phase|$|171

(11:17:18 PM) Crazykev has entered their Attack Phase

Remote- Crazykev`s {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|175

(11:17:22 PM) Crazykev`s {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- (11:17:23 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Secret Barrel' set='MFC'} over

Remote- I knew it|$|180

Remote- 400?|$|183

Remote- How much?|$|185

Local- (11:18:00 PM) 1400

Remote- Oh...|$|188

Local- (11:18:19 PM) SirBigC94 LP is now 5700 LP

Remote- ) Crazykev loses 1000 LP (5200 LP)|$|192

(11:18:20 PM) ) Crazykev loses 1000 LP (5200 LP)

Local- (11:18:24 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Secret Barrel' set='MFC'} into the graveyard

Remote- ) Crazykev loses 500 LP (4700 LP)|$|196

(11:18:25 PM) ) Crazykev loses 500 LP (4700 LP)

Remote- ) Crazykev gains 100 LP (4800 LP)|$|198

(11:18:27 PM) ) Crazykev gains 100 LP (4800 LP)

Remote- Crazykev`s {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|200

(11:18:43 PM) Crazykev`s {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- (11:18:56 PM) SirBigC94 LP is now 3900 LP

Remote- Crazykev is done with their turn|$|203

(11:19:02 PM) Crazykev is done with their turn

Local- (11:19:04 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:19:14 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Lightning Vortex' set='YSDS'}

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} into the graveyard|$|211

(11:19:29 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} into the graveyard

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} into the graveyard|$|216

(11:19:30 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} into the graveyard

Local- (11:19:31 PM) Am I allowed to discard 1 off the field or just from hand?

Remote- Hand I think.|$|221

Local- (11:19:45 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Tremendous Fire' set='MRD'} from their hand into the graveyard

Local- (11:19:46 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Lightning Vortex' set='YSDS'} into the graveyard

Local- (11:19:54 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Draw Phase|$|227

(11:19:56 PM) Crazykev has entered their Draw Phase

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|230

(11:19:57 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Standby Phase|$|232

(11:19:58 PM) Crazykev has entered their Standby Phase

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Main 1 Phase|$|235

(11:19:59 PM) Crazykev has entered their Main 1 Phase

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North' set='RGBT'}|$|241

(11:20:25 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North' set='RGBT'}

Remote- Crazykev activated the effect of {card='Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North' set='RGBT'}|$|247

(11:20:28 PM) Crazykev activated the effect of {card='Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North' set='RGBT'}

Remote- Crazykev is looking at their graveyard|$|249

(11:20:37 PM) Crazykev is looking at their graveyard

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} from the Graveyard into play|$|253

(11:20:41 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} from the Graveyard into play

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'}|$|258

(11:20:41 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'}

Remote- Crazykev stopped looking at the Graveyard|$|264

(11:20:41 PM) Crazykev stopped looking at the Graveyard

Remote- Crazykev turned {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} horizontal|$|266

(11:20:43 PM) Crazykev turned {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} horizontal

Remote- Crazykev has flipped {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} over|$|270

(11:20:43 PM) Crazykev has flipped {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} over

Remote- Crazykev has flipped {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} over|$|275

(11:20:45 PM) Crazykev has flipped {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} over

Remote- Now...SYNCHRO|$|277

Remote- Crazykev is looking at their Extra Deck|$|279

(11:20:56 PM) Crazykev is looking at their Extra Deck

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Goyo Guardian' set='TDGS'}|$|292

(11:21:14 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Goyo Guardian' set='TDGS'}

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Goyo Guardian' set='TDGS'} from their Extra Deck into play|$|297

(11:21:14 PM) Crazykev put {card='Goyo Guardian' set='TDGS'} from their Extra Deck into play

Remote- Crazykev stopped looking at the Extra Deck|$|300

(11:21:14 PM) Crazykev stopped looking at the Extra Deck

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} into the graveyard|$|303

(11:21:15 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} into the graveyard

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North' set='RGBT'} into the graveyard|$|308

(11:21:16 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North' set='RGBT'} into the graveyard

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Attack Phase|$|313

(11:21:21 PM) Crazykev has entered their Attack Phase

Remote- Crazykev`s {card='Goyo Guardian' set='TDGS'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|316

(11:21:24 PM) Crazykev`s {card='Goyo Guardian' set='TDGS'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- (11:21:31 PM) SirBigC94`s LP is now 1100

Remote- Crazykev is done with their turn|$|319

(11:21:36 PM) Crazykev is done with their turn

Local- (11:21:38 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:21:45 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Local- (11:22:03 PM) SirBigC94 drew a {card='Des Koala' set='MFC'}

Local- (11:22:07 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Des Koala' set='MFC'} from their hand into the graveyard

Local- (11:22:11 PM) Sorry, wrong button.

Local- (11:22:13 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Draw Phase|$|331

(11:22:16 PM) Crazykev has entered their Draw Phase

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|334

(11:22:18 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Standby Phase|$|336

(11:22:20 PM) Crazykev has entered their Standby Phase

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Main 1 Phase|$|339

(11:22:21 PM) Crazykev has entered their Main 1 Phase

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'}|$|345

(11:22:41 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'}

Remote- Crazykev activated the effect of {card='Black Whirlwind' set='RGBT'}|$|354

(11:22:59 PM) Crazykev activated the effect of {card='Black Whirlwind' set='RGBT'}

Remote- Crazykev is looking at their deck|$|356

(11:23:03 PM) Crazykev is looking at their deck

Remote- Crazykev is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done|$|362

(11:23:13 PM) Crazykev is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done

Remote- Crazykev is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done|$|364

(11:23:23 PM) Crazykev is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'} in their hand from Deck|$|367

(11:23:25 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'} in their hand from Deck

Remote- Crazykev stopped looking at the Deck|$|369

(11:23:26 PM) Crazykev stopped looking at the Deck

Remote- Crazykev shuffled their deck|$|371

(11:23:26 PM) Crazykev shuffled their deck

Remote- Special Summon 'cause of effect of card in hand|$|373

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Bora the Spear' set='CRMS'}|$|378

(11:23:56 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Bora the Spear' set='CRMS'}

Remote- MORE SYNCHRO|$|387

Remote- Crazykev is looking at their Extra Deck|$|389

(11:24:10 PM) Crazykev is looking at their Extra Deck

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Dark Strike Fighter' set='CRMS'}|$|396

(11:24:18 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Dark Strike Fighter' set='CRMS'}

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Dark Strike Fighter' set='CRMS'} from their Extra Deck into play|$|401

(11:24:18 PM) Crazykev put {card='Dark Strike Fighter' set='CRMS'} from their Extra Deck into play

Remote- Crazykev stopped looking at the Extra Deck|$|404

(11:24:18 PM) Crazykev stopped looking at the Extra Deck

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Bora the Spear' set='CRMS'} into the graveyard|$|407

(11:24:19 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Bora the Spear' set='CRMS'} into the graveyard

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'} into the graveyard|$|412

(11:24:20 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'} into the graveyard

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Attack Phase|$|417

(11:24:24 PM) Crazykev has entered their Attack Phase

Remote- Crazykev`s {card='Dark Strike Fighter' set='CRMS'} is attacking Face Down Card|$|422

(11:24:28 PM) Crazykev`s {card='Dark Strike Fighter' set='CRMS'} is attacking Face Down Card

Local- (11:24:34 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Des Koala' set='MFC'} over

Local- (11:24:42 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Des Koala' set='MFC'} into the graveyard

Remote- 2000?|$|430

Local- (11:25:03 PM) Yeah.

Remote- ) Crazykev loses 1000 LP (3800 LP)|$|434

(11:25:04 PM) ) Crazykev loses 1000 LP (3800 LP)

Remote- ) Crazykev loses 1000 LP (2800 LP)|$|436

(11:25:05 PM) ) Crazykev loses 1000 LP (2800 LP)

Remote- Crazykev`s {card='Goyo Guardian' set='TDGS'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|437

(11:25:11 PM) Crazykev`s {card='Goyo Guardian' set='TDGS'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- (11:25:17 PM) SirBigC94`s LP is now 0

Local- (11:25:21 PM) Great Game.



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Second Duel against CrazyKev:


LP Before Win:


Me - 5800


CrazyKev - 1100


Winner: Me.


[spoiler=Duel Log]

Local- (11:28:40 PM) SirBigC94 has rolled a 1

Remote- Crazykev has rolled a 2|$|43

(11:28:46 PM) Crazykev has rolled a 2

Local- (11:28:48 PM) lol

Local- (11:28:48 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:28:49 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:28:49 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:28:49 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:28:50 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|51

(11:28:52 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|53

(11:28:53 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|55

(11:28:54 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|57

(11:28:55 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|59

(11:28:55 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- You first?|$|61

Remote- You lost last game|$|63

(11:29:25 PM) You lost last game

Remote- So you first|$|65

Local- (11:29:37 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:29:41 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (11:29:49 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Tremendous Fire' set='MRD'}

Local- 11:29:51 PM) SirBigC94 loses 500 LP (7500 LP

Local- (11:29:54 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Tremendous Fire' set='MRD'} into the graveyard

Remote- ) Crazykev loses 1000 LP (7000 LP)|$|76

(11:29:54 PM) ) Crazykev loses 1000 LP (7000 LP)

Local- (11:30:03 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Local- (11:30:04 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Draw Phase|$|84

(11:30:07 PM) Crazykev has entered their Draw Phase

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|87

(11:30:08 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Standby Phase|$|89

(11:30:09 PM) Crazykev has entered their Standby Phase

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Main 1 Phase|$|92

(11:30:10 PM) Crazykev has entered their Main 1 Phase

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'}|$|98

(11:30:29 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'}

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Attack Phase|$|105

(11:30:41 PM) Crazykev has entered their Attack Phase

Remote- Crazykev`s {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} is attacking opponent`s LP|$|108

(11:30:44 PM) Crazykev`s {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} is attacking opponent`s LP

Local- (11:30:47 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Blast Sphere' set='JUMP'} over

Remote- face down|$|113

Remote- I don't understand effect :/|$|116

Local- (11:31:41 PM) The Card doesn't die, but is equipped to your monster, then your next Standby Phase, kills itself and your card.

Local- (11:31:53 PM) and Also inflicts your ATK of your monster to your LP.

Remote- Oh great|$|119

Remote- more great..|$|122

Remote- Crazykev is done with their turn|$|124

(11:32:03 PM) Crazykev is done with their turn

Local- (11:32:05 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:32:07 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Tremendous Fire' set='MRD'}

Local- 11:32:08 PM) SirBigC94 loses 500 LP (7000 LP

Remote- ) Crazykev loses 1000 LP (6000 LP)|$|132

(11:32:12 PM) ) Crazykev loses 1000 LP (6000 LP)

Local- (11:32:13 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Tremendous Fire' set='MRD'} into the graveyard

Local- (11:32:32 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Local- (11:32:34 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Draw Phase|$|143

(11:32:37 PM) Crazykev has entered their Draw Phase

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|146

(11:32:38 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Standby Phase|$|148

(11:32:39 PM) Crazykev has entered their Standby Phase

Local- (11:32:41 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Blast Sphere' set='JUMP'} into the graveyard

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} into the graveyard|$|154

(11:32:44 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame' set='RGBTPP'} into the graveyard

Remote- ) Crazykev loses 1000 LP (5000 LP)|$|159

(11:32:46 PM) ) Crazykev loses 1000 LP (5000 LP)

Remote- ) Crazykev loses 800 LP (4200 LP)|$|161

(11:32:47 PM) ) Crazykev loses 800 LP (4200 LP)

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Black Whirlwind' set='RGBT'}|$|165

(11:32:58 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Black Whirlwind' set='RGBT'}

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow' set='RGBT'}|$|174

(11:33:11 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow' set='RGBT'}

Remote- Crazykev activated the effect of {card='Black Whirlwind' set='RGBT'}|$|180

(11:33:12 PM) Crazykev activated the effect of {card='Black Whirlwind' set='RGBT'}

Remote- Crazykev is looking at their deck|$|183

(11:33:17 PM) Crazykev is looking at their deck

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'} in their hand from Deck|$|187

(11:33:26 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'} in their hand from Deck

Remote- Crazykev stopped looking at the Deck|$|189

(11:33:27 PM) Crazykev stopped looking at the Deck

Remote- Crazykev is done with their turn|$|194

(11:33:37 PM) Crazykev is done with their turn

Local- (11:33:42 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:33:55 PM) SirBigC94 turned {card='Face Down Card' set='NA'} vertical

Local- (11:33:55 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Morphing Jar' set='DB2'} over

Remote- Ah..|$|203

Local- (11:34:10 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Book of Moon' set='YSDS'} from their hand into the graveyard

Local- (11:34:12 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Lava Golem' set='PGD'} from their hand into the graveyard

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Bora the Spear' set='CRMS'} from their hand into the graveyard|$|208

(11:34:15 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Bora the Spear' set='CRMS'} from their hand into the graveyard

Local- (11:34:15 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Stealth Bird' set='CP01'} from their hand into the graveyard

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Dark Armed Dragon' set='PTDN'} from their hand into the graveyard|$|212

(11:34:16 PM) Crazykev put {card='Dark Armed Dragon' set='PTDN'} from their hand into the graveyard

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Forbidden Chalice' set='RGBT'} from their hand into the graveyard|$|215

(11:34:19 PM) Crazykev put {card='Forbidden Chalice' set='RGBT'} from their hand into the graveyard

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'} from their hand into the graveyard|$|218

(11:34:21 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'} from their hand into the graveyard

Local- (11:34:23 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:34:23 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:34:23 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:34:23 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:34:23 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Monster Reborn' set='SDY'} from their hand into the graveyard|$|225

(11:34:24 PM) Crazykev put {card='Monster Reborn' set='SDY'} from their hand into the graveyard

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|229

(11:34:25 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|231

(11:34:26 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|233

(11:34:26 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|235

(11:34:27 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|237

(11:34:27 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- I just lost DAD >_<|$|239

Local- (11:34:51 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Lightning Vortex' set='YSDS'}

Local- (11:34:55 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Lava Golem' set='PGD'} from their hand into the graveyard

Local- (11:34:57 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Lightning Vortex' set='YSDS'} into the graveyard

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow' set='RGBT'} into the graveyard|$|251

(11:34:59 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow' set='RGBT'} into the graveyard

Local- (11:35:05 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (11:35:09 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.

Local- (11:35:16 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Draw Phase|$|266

(11:35:19 PM) Crazykev has entered their Draw Phase

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|269

(11:35:20 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev placed a card from their hand face down.|$|278

(11:35:37 PM) Crazykev placed a card from their hand face down.

Remote- Crazykev placed a card from their hand face down.|$|287

(11:35:41 PM) Crazykev placed a card from their hand face down.

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Mystical Space Typhoon' set='SD2'}|$|292

(11:35:49 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Mystical Space Typhoon' set='SD2'}

Remote- Crazykev activated the effect of {card='Mystical Space Typhoon' set='SD2'}|$|298

(11:35:50 PM) Crazykev activated the effect of {card='Mystical Space Typhoon' set='SD2'}

Remote- 1st|$|300

Local- (11:35:57 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Just Desserts' set='SDK'} into the graveyard

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Mystical Space Typhoon' set='SD2'} into the graveyard|$|305

(11:36:01 PM) Crazykev put {card='Mystical Space Typhoon' set='SD2'} into the graveyard

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North' set='RGBT'}|$|312

(11:36:15 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North' set='RGBT'}

Remote- Crazykev activated the effect of {card='Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North' set='RGBT'}|$|318

(11:36:19 PM) Crazykev activated the effect of {card='Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North' set='RGBT'}

Remote- Crazykev is looking at their graveyard|$|320

(11:36:26 PM) Crazykev is looking at their graveyard

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Bora the Spear' set='CRMS'} from the Graveyard into play|$|326

(11:36:50 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Bora the Spear' set='CRMS'} from the Graveyard into play

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Bora the Spear' set='CRMS'}|$|331

(11:36:50 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Bora the Spear' set='CRMS'}

Remote- Crazykev stopped looking at the Graveyard|$|337

(11:36:51 PM) Crazykev stopped looking at the Graveyard

Remote- Crazykev turned {card='Blackwing - Bora the Spear' set='CRMS'} horizontal|$|339

(11:36:59 PM) Crazykev turned {card='Blackwing - Bora the Spear' set='CRMS'} horizontal

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Main 1 Phase|$|342

(11:37:01 PM) Crazykev has entered their Main 1 Phase

Remote- synchro|$|345

Remote- Crazykev is looking at their Extra Deck|$|347

(11:37:09 PM) Crazykev is looking at their Extra Deck

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing Armed Wing' set='RGBT'}|$|359

(11:37:36 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing Armed Wing' set='RGBT'}

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing Armed Wing' set='RGBT'} from their Extra Deck into play|$|364

(11:37:36 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing Armed Wing' set='RGBT'} from their Extra Deck into play

Remote- Crazykev stopped looking at the Extra Deck|$|367

(11:37:36 PM) Crazykev stopped looking at the Extra Deck

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Bora the Spear' set='CRMS'} into the graveyard|$|370

(11:37:38 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Bora the Spear' set='CRMS'} into the graveyard

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North' set='RGBT'} into the graveyard|$|375

(11:37:39 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North' set='RGBT'} into the graveyard

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Attack Phase|$|382

(11:37:50 PM) Crazykev has entered their Attack Phase

Remote- Crazykev`s {card='Blackwing Armed Wing' set='RGBT'} is attacking Morphing Jar|$|385

(11:37:52 PM) Crazykev`s {card='Blackwing Armed Wing' set='RGBT'} is attacking Morphing Jar

Local- (11:37:54 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Magic Cylinder' set='YSD'} over

Local- (11:38:12 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Magic Cylinder' set='YSD'} into the graveyard

Remote- ) Crazykev loses 1900 LP (2300 LP)|$|395

(11:38:16 PM) ) Crazykev loses 1900 LP (2300 LP)

Remote- Crazykev is done with their turn|$|396

(11:38:26 PM) Crazykev is done with their turn

Local- (11:38:50 PM) You lose 2300 ATK.

Local- (11:39:04 PM) You were suppossed to lose 2300 LP.

Remote- Damn YVD calculator|$|403

Remote- ) Crazykev loses 500 LP (1800 LP)|$|406

(11:39:20 PM) ) Crazykev loses 500 LP (1800 LP)

Remote- ) Crazykev gains 100 LP (1900 LP)|$|408

(11:39:22 PM) ) Crazykev gains 100 LP (1900 LP)

Local- (11:39:27 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:39:39 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Messenger of Peace' set='MRL'}

Local- (11:39:44 PM) SirBigC94 has put down a {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'}

Local- (11:39:46 PM) SirBigC94 turned {card='Face Down Card' set='NA'} vertical

Local- (11:39:46 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped {card='Des Koala' set='MFC'} over

Local- (11:39:56 PM) SirBigC94 turned {card='Morphing Jar' set='DB2'} horizontal

Local- (11:40:44 PM) You have 1100 LP left.

Remote- I do?|$|435

Local- (11:40:57 PM) Des Koala

Remote- Oh, did't read effect|$|438

Remote- ) Crazykev loses 800 LP (1100 LP)|$|441

(11:41:13 PM) ) Crazykev loses 800 LP (1100 LP)

Local- (11:41:15 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Draw Phase|$|443

(11:41:19 PM) Crazykev has entered their Draw Phase

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|446

(11:41:20 PM) Crazykev drew a card

Remote- Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'}|$|451

(11:41:30 PM) Crazykev has put down a {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'}

Remote- Crazykev has flipped {card='Icarus Attack' set='EOJ'} over|$|465

(11:41:41 PM) Crazykev has flipped {card='Icarus Attack' set='EOJ'} over

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Main 1 Phase|$|469

(11:41:41 PM) Crazykev has entered their Main 1 Phase

Remote- Crazykev activated the effect of {card='Icarus Attack' set='EOJ'}|$|473

(11:41:44 PM) Crazykev activated the effect of {card='Icarus Attack' set='EOJ'}

Remote- I tribute Gale to destroy your Spell and Giant Germ|$|476

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'} into the graveyard|$|479

(11:42:08 PM) Crazykev put {card='Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind' set='CRMS'} into the graveyard

Local- (11:42:14 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Messenger of Peace' set='MRL'} into the graveyard

Local- (11:42:15 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Giant Germ' set='MRL'} into the graveyard

Remote- Crazykev put {card='Icarus Attack' set='EOJ'} into the graveyard|$|488

(11:42:19 PM) Crazykev put {card='Icarus Attack' set='EOJ'} into the graveyard

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Attack Phase|$|494

(11:42:25 PM) Crazykev has entered their Attack Phase

Remote- Crazykev`s {card='Blackwing Armed Wing' set='RGBT'} is attacking Des Koala|$|497

(11:42:28 PM) Crazykev`s {card='Blackwing Armed Wing' set='RGBT'} is attacking Des Koala

Local- (11:42:40 PM) SirBigC94 put {card='Des Koala' set='MFC'} into the graveyard

Local- 11:42:42 PM) SirBigC94 loses 1000 LP (6000 LP

Local- 11:42:43 PM) SirBigC94 loses 100 LP (5900 LP

Local- 11:42:44 PM) SirBigC94 loses 100 LP (5800 LP

Remote- Crazykev is done with their turn|$|506

(11:42:45 PM) Crazykev is done with their turn

Local- (11:42:48 PM) SirBigC94 drew a card

Local- (11:43:02 PM) SirBigC94 placed a card from their hand face down.

Local- (11:43:03 PM) SirBigC94 is done with their turn

Remote- Crazykev has entered their Draw Phase|$|515

(11:43:06 PM) Crazykev has entered their Draw Phase

Remote- Crazykev drew a card|$|518

(11:43:07 PM) Crazykev drew a card

(11:43:15 PM) SirBigC94 has flipped Secret Barrel over

(11:43:26 PM) NOO

(11:43:30 PM) Great Game.

(11:43:36 PM) Crazykev`s LP is now 0

(11:43:48 PM) Good game too =D



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Tallman, you and me know that I was supose to win. I was doing important buisness over the internet trading pokeplushies and got distracted <_<. (I found my old pokeplushies account and got hooked on getting new pokeplushies). And I forgot to activate sheild crush. I even showed you <_

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