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Two words. Fanfiction Forum.


Three words: It wouldn't hurt.


I support the idea of creating a forum for the discussion of works of literature as well as the posting of poetry, short stories and other works that aren't of a "fan-fiction" orientation (whether they be user created or not, just as long as no copyrights are infringed).

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Two words. Fanfiction Forum.


The Fanfiction is for user created stories. If I want to intelligently discuss a book' date=' I have to go to the General Section which is aggrivating.



lol. On this forum?


I've tried. It doesn't work. Part of the problem is that there are just so many different books out there, unless you pick something stupidly popular like Twilight or Harry Potter, chances are, you won't get a decent discussion going. Part of the problem is people here read books like Harry Potter and Twilight.

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[align=center]OMGAKITTY is right.

No-one on here will have a proper conversation about literature.

It will end up flooded by Harry Potter and Twilight threads, which is why we add a comic books and Graphic novel section?[/align]

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There are countless other book series such as Cirque Du Freak' date=' Artemis Fowl, and Pendragon to talk about. It would spark intelligent conversation between intelligent members.



I tried a Pendragon thread once. It was the closest I've ever come to having a book discussion on this forum (Fountainhead kind of flopped...)

It got a whole like 10 posts, half of which were

"omgz i luvz pendragunz itz soz coolz!1!"




And I'd hardly call Pendragon "intelligent conversation" material.

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