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[SUGGESTION]Thread Opening and Closing[/SUGGESTION]

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Here is an idea, your making a set, or running a shop. In the set, you decide to update your thread, and you don't want anyone to rate or see your thread before your finished editing it. In the shop, your busy with orders or you are busy, so you close the shop for a while, but noobs keep ordering. How bout as a new feature, you can close from anyone viewing or replying in the thread. And when you are done and ready to open, you just open it. However you can only do this to your own thread. The only other person that can open and close it is a mod. Is it a good idea? It's just an idea, it doesn't really have to happen...

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Guest KAJN

They just PM a mod of the area to unlock it.


I meant what if a mod locked it for some purpose of becoming spammy? The owner can open it again.

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They just PM a mod of the area to unlock it.


I meant what if a mod locked it for some purpose of becoming spammy? The owner can open it again.


When I say closed, I don't mean locked, I mean like a different kind of lock, like the little lock symbol is blue instead of yellow I guess. To show it is owner locked. If it is mod locked, the owner can't unlock it.

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