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This Zombie deck sides into another Zombie deck.

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GMole x1

Sangan x1

Morphing Jar x1

Card Trooper x1

Spirit Reaper x1

Mezuki x1

Zombie Master x3

Pyramid Turtle x3

Gigantes x3

LJM x2

Giant Rat x2

Ryu Kokki x1

Plaguespreader x1

Il Blud



LV x1

MR x1

Heavy x1

MST x1

BCon x1

Creature Swap x2

Book of Life x2

Book of Moon x3




Mirror Force

Torrential Tribute x1

Roar x3

Trap Dustshoot x1






Dark Zombs :


Dad x1

Sangan x1

Morphing Jar x1

Plaguespreader x1

Il Blud x1

Cydra x1

Ryko x3

Goblin Zombie x2

Reaper x1

Turtle x3

Zomb Master x3

Ryu x1

Mezuki x1

Chaos Sorcerer.


Allure x2

Lightning Vortex x1

Monster Reborn x1

Heavy Storm x1

MST x1

Bcon x1

Cswap x2

Book of Life x2

Book of Moon x2




Roar x3

Mirror x1

Torrential x1



Actual side deck:

Allure x2


Ryko x3

DaD x1

Cydra x1

Goblin Zombie x2

LV x1

Chaos Sorcerer x1

LIM x3 (or imperial iron wall, idk which yet)



I'm tired, so I prbbly made a mistake somewhere...

If I'm at regionals, I start off with Dark Zombies, then side to Zombox. If Locals, opposite.

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I know what the card is now why are you not running it?!?!?





I dun like Gmole in this either.

Gmole=Giant Rat target/synchro removal. Personally one of my fav tech

Just play the Dark Zombies build from the start' date=' then -1 Book of Moon for a Burial from a Different Dimension (recycle Mezuki, Plaguespreader, and any Zombies removed by Sorcerer or Allure).



oooh, nice idea.^^

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