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Guitar Hero or Rock Band?


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Which series do you prefer?


I personally prefer GH, simply because Rock Band is catered more to an audience of people with shitty music taste (see: Panic at the Disco on RB2 and Miranda Cosgrove DLC), while GH has been based more on legit Rock Ballads (except WT sucked... see: Coldplay, Interp- wait... Just see the first like 10 setlists).


Plus, GH typically has more difficult songs.


Also, what level do you play on if you own the game? And if you're really good, what's your best FC? (FC = Full Combo = You hit every single note and get a perfect note streak)


I play on Expert and my best FC from all games is probably Monsters.

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Guitar Hero: Better difficulty

Rock Band: Basically based around you starting a band, and traveling around the world =/


So Rock Band is good for friends and junk, who like different instruments, Guitar Hero is for friends who like guitars.


Personally, I like both <_<

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Oh hell yeah Guitar Hero rocks 10000 times best than Rock Band.Although Rock Band:The Beatles its a good game to be Rock Band trademark


no its, not. it will destroy the difficulty rock band is known for. unless u can get the DLC that RB2 has. which it wont. RB2 is MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better than GH. GH is too cartoony and un-realistic. RB just looks alot better graphic-wise than Guitar Zero

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