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Deck Contest- Red Eyes Horus- Winner gets 4 reps

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I would join if it was not such a bad idea.


Can i replace horus with D Horus?


If not i'll finish the deck at han.


I want to make the Horus/Royal Decree lock faster, so its not really a Hopeless build. Do the best you can with regular Horus. The basic idea is to Future Fusion FGD, dumping 2 REDMD, 2 Wyvern , and Horus Lv6 and get the Horus lock going from there.

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Horus the Black Flame Dragon Lv8 x3

Horus the Black Flame Dragon Lv6 x3

red eyes darkness metal dragon x3

red eyes wyvern x2

Masked Dragon x3

Twin-Headed Behemoth

Magna Drago x3

Spirit Reaper




Book of Moon X3

Future Fusion

Dragon's Mirror x3

Trade in

Brain Control

Mystical Space Typhoon

Foolish Burial x2

Heavy Storm

Monster Reborn

Smahing Ground




Royal Dycree x3

Torrential Tribute

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3x Red Eyes Metal Darkness Dragon

2x Horus Lv8

3x Destiny Hero - Plasma

3x Horus Lv6

3x Red Eyes Wyvern

2x Destiny Hero - Malicious

2x Destiny Hero - Dasher

2x Blue Eyes Toon Dragon

2x Destiny Hero Diamond Dude



1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x Future Fusion

2x Destiny Draw

1x Foolish Burial

1x Giant Trunade

2x Dragons Mirror

2x Trade-in

2x Allure of Darkness

3x Toon Table of Contents


Traps 3

3x Royal Decree

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Monsters: 19

3x Red Eyes Metal Darkness Dragon

2x Horus Lv8

3x Horus Lv6

2x Jinzo


3x Red Eyes Wyvern

3x Blizzard Dragon

3x Masked Dragon


Spells: 18

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x Future Fusion

1x Brain Control

3x Muesoleum

1x Terraforming

2x Dragons Mirror

2x Foolish Burial

2x Allure of Darkness

3x Book of Moon

1x Cold Wave


Traps: 3

3x Royal Decree


Extra: 15

3x FGD

12x Generic Shiz

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