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Proffessional rate


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[attachment=9777]I need you to immidietly rate this card to check something please.Rate it from 1-10 and maybe i`ll make set of machine cards.I need proffessional advices.About grammar,I said only Summoned to have meaning for ALL summons.I already knew how would i write it correctly.Apologies. I made a little change in the last sentence(It refers to Your turn,Not your opponent`s.)Still I`ll listen to DARK KALE and split up this card in two.I already have a vision of that card.The Creator sometimes doesn`t see his mistakes as others.Something so simple-to split in two cards....I didn`t see.

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and i thought i had grammer problems, at least thats what they tell me. maybe you should turn this card into two cards, each with half the effect of this one.


i like the effects though, its around the machines.


7/10, just for the grammer.

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