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fishtown turbo

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this deck is on crack and i will get a 2400+ beater guarenteed first turn




3 ancient gear gadjihildron dragon

1 neo daedelus

2 daelus

2 coelicanth

3 royal eel

3 oyster meister

3 phantom of chaos

2 summoner monk

1 breaker


Magic: 21

1 Robert

1 heavy

1 mst

2 foolish burial

3 gear town

3 legendary ocean

1 double summon

3 big wave small wave

2 terraforming

1 trade in

2 pot of averice

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here is the hand: 2 g twn, foolish, pokky, ocean, oyster meister


1) ocean, foolish neo daed, play pokky...pokky gains neo daed effect, nuke ocean...kills 2 towns in my hand...2900 beater, 2 3000 beater and my opponent has to top deck for their life

2) foolish correlicanth, pokky mimics, discard oyster, play 2 oyster and 2 royal lamp eel and synchro into a dark strike fighter and a ancient fairy dragon...play gear town, play ocean, play town, hit it with fairy, gain 1000 + get a ocean...attack with corellicanth, 2 aggd, ancient fairy, and dark strike and nuke life with dark strike if not already game

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what part..can't town summon gears when destroyed from the hand?

pokky mimics neo daed's effect but he is already on the field...no stupid clause about releasing a daed to summon....the rest is correct


Prove me wrong and i will alter the strategy

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pokky mimics neo daed's effect but he is already on the field...no stupid clause about releasing a daed to summon....the rest is correct





Hahaha! He can't help it, he's going to Japan soon so he has to say release instead of sac. -_-

Weaboos: can't live with them, can't shoot them either.

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BTW you can its lock the opponent by doing this forcing him and you to Top deck in the first turn.


i know' date=' but aggd wants to have sex with me or something cuz whenever i do the top deck contest, he jumps into my funking hand[hr']

Neo-Daedalus "sends to the graveyard" instead of destroying. So Geartown doesn't work with it.

funk this game...

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BTW you can its lock the opponent by doing this forcing him and you to Top deck in the first turn.


i know' date=' but aggd wants to have sex with me or something cuz whenever i do the top deck contest, he jumps into my f***ing hand[hr']

Neo-Daedalus "sends to the graveyard" instead of destroying. So Geartown doesn't work with it.

f*** this game...


i am seriously quitting this jank ass, ruling funked, technicality and clause obsessed joke of a game

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those technicalities and clauses prevent you from abusing the game.

they actually spend a fair amount of time trying to figure out ways to break the game with every single card, and change the wordings accordingly, before releasing them.

this is just another instance.


personally, i think send is better, since stardust and such cant stop it.



quit though.


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