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Pokemon Galaxy - Elite Four and Gym Slots open

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Pokemon Galaxy

Pokemon Galaxy


Pokemon Fans of all generations, welcome to Pokemon Galaxy. Great, I know another pokemon club. Like this will be any different. Well WRONG buddy. This is were you battle, trade, and meet new rivals. Thats not a good opening. Anyways beside teading and battling other people, we have our own gym leaders, and elite four. To become a champoin you must beat the elite four. Your wondering How are your going to battle them, well there Friend codes are posted on the bottom so that solves your answer, all you need to do is challenge, battle, win, repeat! Hope you like it. And feel free to sign up for to opening four gym leader and elite four, not champion.


These are the badges you will earn on your journey to defeat the gym leaders and elite four



Galaxy 1 Gym Leaders:

Rock Gym Leader: :Pebble Badge

Flying gym Leader: :Sourer Badge

Water Gym Leader: :Sand Shell Badge

Fighting Gym Leader: :Striker Badge

Poison Gym Leader: :Needle Badge

Grass Gym Leader: :Pedal Glare Badge

Ice Gym Leader: :Ice Fang Badge

Normal Gym Leader: :Palm Badge


Galaxy 1 Elite Four and League Champion:

Fire Elite Four:

Dragon Elite Four:

Steel Elite Four: Liahmar

Regulations:4 on 4, 50 only, want to battle pm me

Dark EliteFour: 1-Up

League Champion:


[spoiler= Galaxy 1 Members]

Name: Namo

Trainer Name: NEO or Thomas (NEO is Pearl Thomas is Platinum)

Friend Code: Pearl:3266 1848 5202 Platinum:3223 2495 2957

Favorite Pokemon: Mew

Name: 1-Up

Trainer Name: Lance

FC: Diamond: 3137-0809-6767

Favorite Pokemon: Shedinja

Name: Waffle Kingg

Trainer Name: Jared

Friend Code: 1161-6616-0164

Favorite Pokemon: Linoone/Zigzagoon


Trainer Name:Liamhar

Friend Code: 5112 3416 0150

Favorite: Lucario,Magnezone





1: Everyon can use any level pokemon they like

2:Elite four and gym leaders must use moves of pokemon or pokemon according to they're type. Double types are welcomed also

3: Gym Leaders must tell me that if someone beats him/her so i can give he/hers badge. Same for elite Four


5: Gym Leaders and Elite Four can make they're own special regulations, but not League Champion. Rules must be fair.

6: Have fun




Trainer Name:

Friend Code:

Favorite Pokemon:



Name: Monohawks

Trainer Name: Nat

Friend Code: not telling becuase im not battling

Favorite Pokemon: Sceptile





Pokemon Gym League: Battling Club



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I'm interested...


I'll take an Elite 4 Spot if you need one filled, but a Gym Leader will do just as fine...


I may be new to these forums, but I am one mean Pokemon battler...


Also, by Special Regulations, he means basically...


Are we allowed to use Ubers?


Is switching during battle allowed?


What items are allowed and disallowed?




At least that's the way I interpreted it...

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Name: Namo

Trainer Name: NEO or Thomas (NEO is my Pearl Thomas is my Platinum)

Friend Code: Pearl:3266 1848 5202 Platinum:3223 2495 2957

Favorite Pokemon: Mew :3

Now may I ask If I can be the League Champion I will defeat anyone. I will make sure that I win to become Champian

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Name: 1-Up

Trainer Name: Lance

FC: I need to find mine, so stay tuned...

Favorite Pokemon: Shedinja


Also, who would the Champ be to start? No one can sign up for it and you aren't battling so... Yeah...


Anyways, yeah, I would probably use the Dark/Ghost Type as an Elite 4 Member... or the Water Type as a Gym Leader btw...

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