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Before & After- Which Do You Like Better?

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So this is a before and after of my current Irl, I find the 2nd build to be much faster and more aggressive.



[spoiler=Before]Monsters x18


3x Destiny Hero Plasma

3x Beast King Barbaros

2x Destiny Hero Malicious


1x Elemental Hero Stratos

1x Mystic Tomato

3x Krebons

2x Phantom Skyblaster

1x Plaguespreader Zombie

1x Dandylion

1x Spirit Reaper


Spells x 16


1x Monster Reborn

1x Emergency Teleport

2x Destiny Draw

2x Allure of Darkness

2x Trade In

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade

2x Cold Wave

1x Scapegoat

2x Foolish Burial

1x Brain Control


Traps x6

3x Threatening Roar

2x Dark Bribe

1x Torrential Tribute




[spoiler=After]Monsters x18


3x Destiny Hero Plasma

2x Beast King Barbaros

2x Destiny Hero Malicious


1x Elemental Hero Stratos

2x Armageddon Knight

1x Mystic Tomato

3x Krebons

2x Phantom skyblaster

1x Plaguespreader Zombie

1x Spirit Reaper


Spells x15


1x Monster Reborn

2x Allure of Darkness

2x Destiny Draw

2x Trade- In

1x Emergency Teleport

1x Giant Trunade

1x Heavy Storm

1x Scapegoat

1x Brain Control

1x Reinforcement of the Army

2x Book of Moon


Traps x7


1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute

3x Threatening Roar

2x Dark Bribe




Which Build You Guys Like Better?

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[spoiler=Spoiler Name]Text Goes Here[/spoiler]


Both builds look pretty similar really' date=' but I noticed there's no Cold Wave in the 2nd one?


Cold Wave -> Plasma/Barbaros plays are godly.



Yeah, but cold wave kept popping up at the worst times. I aslo dropped foolish for 2 books and added in arm knight to do its job, first turn goyo's are sexy, they also gave me a reason to run rota. thx for the code


What do you think i should neg for the Colds in the 2nd build?

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I'm not sure really' date=' but lately I've been rethinking the whole concept altogether and perhaps a version with less traps and just 3X Royal Decree would work well?



I always wanted to run Royal, but T-Roar saves your ass so much I'm not sure if I want to stop it. The best I came up with was 3x Roars and 3x Decrees.

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